I just don't know

cream puff

9 Years
Jul 20, 2014

Anyone have any idea what breed and gender this might be? It's mostly white with light brown markings all over. I'm thinking mutt of something white and brown, possibly male or female...

Looks like a cockerel to me, based off the red wattles and comb. I don't think that it is a Red Sex-Link, as the males usually have more white and only develop red on the wings and neck later. It's possible that this is a Red Sex-Link pullet that is maturing fast, but I doubt it. It is probably just a mixed breed cockerel.
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Looks like a cockerel to me, based off the red wattles and comb. I don't think that it is a Red Sex-Link, as the males usually have more white and only develop red on the wings and neck later. It's possible that this is a Red Sex-Link pullet that is maturing fast, but I doubt it. It is probably just a mixed breed cockerel.

Yeah, that's why I asked where the OP got this one. It wasn't exactly like a RSL cockerel, but close. Could just be a mix like you said.
this was a local country store egg, they get eggs from the local farms in the area, I noticed the eggs were fertile so I thought, "what the heck lets try to hatch them" out of 6, 2 hatched, four would have hatched if I hadn't dropped 2 of them.

so, this guy was a mystery from the start.

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