I just finished my first denim quilt "Pics"

It's a tough decision but when you could use a few bucks for chicken feed and other things....they are pretty easy to let go of.

Tuffoldhen has bought a few of my quilt tops and Pumpkinpup has bought one. I like the fact that my work is in other states.
Thanks CTL & newchickenfamily

I have already started another denim throw quilt.
quilting is just as much of an addiction as chickens. I guess if you have one you must have the other.
Jena-- I found out this morning that it is warm and cozy.

Hennysmom-- There really isn't much to it. All I did was cut an equal amount or 4 inch squares and then cut them in a triangle and then sewed them together and WALA!!

Try it .... it's not that bad.
Yours is lovely. I like the red white and blue jean look. Very cozy looking. I made one using hubby's jeans and hubby's late mother's shirts and special clothes. I gave it to FIL last christmas so he could have something tangible to hold onto of his late wife. I could show if you'd be interested in seeing it.

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