i just need some ideas whats going on. confused.

Wow u have some great ideas. I'm totally gonna do the baby monitor thing.... my husbands gonna think I'm a nut. I love that! windchims too. Perfect! I will let ya all know if find her. I really hope this one of those cases she just pops up. It drove me nuts the first time wondering what happen the first time one went missing. Still does! Thanks again for ur time guys really gave me some good ideas!
I have locks on both pop hole doors. I do leave the key in but figure a pred can't turn the keep to get in. Is there another way a pred could get in.

coons don't usally carry of the birds do they? The one and only that got in mine stayed there to eat it. I beat the crap out of him and he did get away but not with out injuries. haven't seen any thing since.

I know folks think i'm nuts but I whiz around the yard at night when I lock up the birds and I haven't seen nor smelled anything. We usually smell a skunk or two in the season but I haven't smelled anything all summer. We have stockade fencing and I "mark" it from time to time. I have a stump near the coop that is soaked by now. Laugh if you want but the proof is in the pudding as they say.
By your profile I cant tell what state you live in. That might help. Wooded, desert, prairie.... Second do your birds free range? If so are they disapearing while out foraging? Few preditors can kill or snatch a chicken with out a mess of feathers. Bob Cat or coyote. check all the area where they free range. Even the big ones cause some feather loss. No to the coopers hawk it has a body the size of a pigeon. By the way I am sorry for your losses. It sometimes takes a few losses to tighten up the coop and pen.
I thought about it and I think you'd have to be a pretty dumb thief to risk coming over repeatedly and taking one at a time. If it was me, I'd bring a bag and try to take several. I suppose you could get away more quietly only taking one at a time but....

I was also wondering how high your roost is. Is it high enough so that something would have to figure out how to climb up (it might rule out fox or coyote but not raccoon or large cat or bear). I would think a bear would make a great big mess of things. It would be too big for a possum to drag off but probably not a racoon.

This happened during the day time and at night. Mabye coyote or fox? You can't rule out your own dog but then you'd have some remains although it could be a neighbor's dog. Whatever it was took it and left. I'm just thinking it's probably not human.
You realize you're going to have to update us when the time comes, right? Inquiring minds want to know.
I have 2 locks on my coop one at the top and one at the bottom ....... for 40.00 I think I may do the camera thing too thats a great idea and so is the baby monitor thing.

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