I just shot my first Coyote! 10pm

I need to get a gun... or a coyote hunter to shoot my coyotes... Can you poison them without it being cruel... ?
In theory you could poison, but depending on where you live you it could be illegal, as well as dangerous to any other animals that will come into contact with the bait. It is much better to get a good clean shot. Sometimes even with a good shot, if they have enough adrenaline going they can still get up and run.
Don't feel bad about shooting that coyote. People forget, that like any other animal, we have the right to protect our terriory and everything on it. I would suggest that you get your hands on a 20-gauge. The 410 is great for varmits like skunks and possums, but for the bigger nasties you need more bang for the buck. Use to shoot a 12-gauge, but these old shoulders can't take the kick like they use to!
Wow, I wish I had your bravery! Coyotes make disasters out of our rice levies and can get very close to the house. We've lost a few ranch cats that didn't make it up onto the roof in time! My hubbie, and Father-in-law shoot on sight to kill those inbred little...
They are a real menace. I agree that the best long term solution- esp. that wont make you guilty- is either an electric fence or some mean old geese.

Though it may scare your chickens, we use ZON guns in the rice fields to scare away the geese so we don't have to hurt them. It's a...hmm...what do you call it? You put fuel in it and it goes off at set intervals, sounds like a gun without actually shooting anything, and you don't have to sit and watch. If your chickens were cooped you could put it a ways away from them to scare off oncoming predators. I don't know if the coyotes would figure it out though. Just my two cents. Hope this helps.

Oh, and have to say it, "Way to go Girl!"
Yeah I think it is time to go for them.. We have our 2 acres kinda sectioned off.. The house ( on the front acre) is in one fence, and the back acre is in another fence (where the coyotes dig under every night). Our chickens are in their own fence in Our front acre.. also where the kids and dogs play...

But the coyotes aren't scared around here.. They come at like 6am, and 9 at night.. Our doge were barking the other night and I went outside and it just stood there starring at me.. Took it a couple of minutes to decide to turn around and run off...

I went and talked to the neighbor today to make sure he didn't mind if we "disposed" of them, lol... What do you do with a big dead dog after you kill it?
I don't like the thought of any animal wondering around suffering in pain, but he deserved it for trespassing and killing your roo. I can relate to this situation. On Christmas day I woke up to my dog barking non stop and I found my huge, mean, but gorgeous goose ripped open. Strange as it seemed, there was a small really friendly Beagle wondering around my backyard trying to get out. Well I found his owners and confronted them about their little killer, but he didn't do it because there was a gigantic hole with gigantic footprints right under the fence. If that little dog dug that whole he would have been so muddy. I scoured the neighbor hood, but found nothing so I put up an electric fence and have not had a single problem since. These dogs took Christmas goose too seriously. I really think the owners had more dogs that dug the hole and this little guy followed them, but I didn't pursue anything.
Good job for getting the revenge that I never got!
Naw, a 410 is what my kids shoot. they are only 9 and 10, and weigh maybe 60 pounds soaking wet.

COngrats on getting your coyote!!

And I understand how you feel, even as a hunter all my life, the year I had to trap and kill more than 3 dozen coons in and around my barn, I still felt guilt- I started out with anger , and that carried me through a few weeks, then the guilt, because I didnt even have a use for the fur or meat, Until the anger set back in cause there were so dang many of them, no matter what I did! . But eventually, the fact that I knew I was doing right by those in my care, and possibly saving the coons from a much worse death than a quick dispatch with a .22 bullet, (rabies is ALWAYS prevelent in South Texas), I was able to accept it as part of my stewardship of the land.
Go to a few gun stores around your area and inquire about avid hunters that would come up to your place for free and take them dirty devils out!!!!!!!!

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