I just stepped on a dead mouse! Eeew!

My mom is so afraid of mice, and i'm the opposite. I had to get 1 dead and one alive mouse out of her dog food on saturday. She was freakin out
.The alive one I put in a coffe tin and set it on a bench in the garage and forgot about it...... It got out
and I forgot to tell her...
I stepped on one in the dark with my shoes on on the porch one night. I was running up the steps due to the rain, stepped on it, and it rolled because it was soft and you could hear all the bones cracking, it was gross.
I had one of our cats drop one in my hand while I was sleeping
Thought I was dreaming
Then I really woke up!!!
I can laugh now but then oh my!!!!

Years ago on Halloween Night, my son stepped on our escaped pet hamster and its eyes bulged out.

Ever step on a slug and have it slime between your toes? It is extremely hard to wash off the slime.
Our cat brings in dead mice at night, sometimes just pieces. She usually leaves the "offerings" to the humans between the bedroom and bathroom. I've stepped on dead mice, and many parts. I prefer to step on the whole ones then halves or parts.

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