I KNEW I wasn't losing my mind!!!!

The baby tractor belonged to my DH's brother. I inherited it. I want to paint it purple, but DH insists it stay Ford blue and white.

I can drive the big tractor too, but that requires more skill than I possess on any given day.
I see no reason why some purple flower decals couldn't just appear one day on said tractor. I'm sure he didn't say anything about purple flower decals. Ooooooo, or chicken decals! You could have a purple chicken tractor! HA!

(My sister sells this stuff called Uppercaseliving and they indeed have chicken decals. You can get them in any color you want. I am out of control with that stuff!)
Awesome idea! Thanks! Actually anymore he tells me all the things I can't do and then just shakes his head when I do them anyway.

Those conversations with your spouse/partner that go:

You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh
You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh
You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh
You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh
You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh
You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh
You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh
You: Uh huh
Spouse: Nuh uh

This drives me nuts!!!

Yesterday DBF was putting away dishes and asked where the tea pot went. I said it goes where it always goes. Then he pulled out a bottle from the same shelf and said the teapot wouldn't fit since the bottle was put there. I said that it would, and that I'd had the bottle on that shelf for MONTHS. He insisted it hadn't been there even a week.

Me: Uh huh
Him: Nuh uh
Me: Uh huh
Him: Nuh uh
Me: Uh huh
Him: Nuh uh
Me: Uh huh
Him: Nuh uh
Me: Uh huh
Him: Nuh uh
My DW mows the grass, does the laundry, cooks on occasion and takes care of the pool. If she wants to have a tea pot go here, and not there, I usually agree.
Awesome idea! Thanks! Actually anymore he tells me all the things I can't do and then just shakes his head when I do them anyway.

Well next time you bet him about something.. make the wager that you can paint the tractor purple LOL

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