I know it is a hen but that is all


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 2, 2008
Got this from my son's lady friend along with 2 Silkies and near as I can tell she is as big as she is going to get.
Looks like she is still very young..I am guessing around 12 weeks. She sure is beautiful! Reminds me of a brown leghorn pullet. If that is what she turns out to be her comb is going to get a lot bigger and she will even become more beautiful

Whatever she is you are lucky..that is one beautiful bird.
She is from this years hatch and was in a grab box of mixed??? I mow the grass at 3" and she is almost buried in the ruff. I truly do believe she will not get any bigger.
She's like a little sparrow, cutie.

I take it from your screen name you are in WI? Come check out the Cheesehead Thread and say howdy
Thank you for contacting My Pet Chicken! That's a very healthy little hen you have there. Her breed is called the "Old English Game Bantam" and her color is "Black Breasted Red" more commonly referred to as B.B. Red. She is a bantam, which is a miniature breed so judging by the photo she is close to being fully grown. Old English are wonderful little bantams to watch.

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