I know it's supposed to be 50/50....


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
But what really are the odds of this happening? I've had 13 pure mille fleur d'uccles chicks hatch here since November of last year. One of these died as a chick, and of the remaining 12 there are 6 males and 6 females?? Every single hatch has been equal numbers of boys and girls?!?

How odd is this?
ETA: I've had 4 hatches. The one that died was in the first hatch, leaving 1 pair; second hatch was 6 chicks=3 pairs; third hatch was 2 chicks=1 pair; fourth hatch also 2 chicks=1 pair.
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so far this year i have had more pullets than cockerals (so far!), hopefully it stays this way, i have been getting just about 2/3 females! except, of course, with my egg layers chicks
I should be so lucky.
First hatch- 5 roos out of 7 chicks. Second hatch-2 roos out of 3 chicks. Third hatch-too soon to be sure, but at least 3 maybe 4 or 5 roos out of 8 chicks. I don't know what I'm going to do with all these roos. Can't keep them all and don't have the heart to butcher them.
I guess mine have about been even. I did hatch out only 6 roos from two batches of mille fleur d'uccles but the rest have had just a few more hens than roos or they have been even. Unfortunately, there are still several breeds in the pens that I just have one of
i got ten roos out of twelve once, those were rirs, then i got two hens out of three silkies, then three hens out of four assorted bantams
I would say that your results are atypical for such a small sample. In theory if you hatch large enough numbers the result should be close to 50/50. With smaller samples it can vary greatlt from this ratio.
For example: when I started with Red Bantams many years ago I got 3 doz eggs from a good strain. They hatched well-33 of 36 hatched. The hatch consisted of 29 cockerels & 4 pullets.

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