I know they are all different but when will Andie lay????


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Napa, CA
I have two Black Australorps which are both 27 or 28 weeks one is ready and has done the egg dance for me the other may be a roo? But Andie the one thats ready has run in the coop singing like she needs my help, changing boxes, but always for not. When I leave she does also. We have done this for 3 weeks now?

I also have two light Brahmas same age that have pretty much the same story.

Not that I need more eggs, I have two barreds and one buff that are like clockwork. But it just hurts to see Andie needing to be a mommy soooooo bad!

Anyone have any answers! Thanks.
A couple years ago I had a rock and RIR wait till they were 33/35 weeks old. They both started laying the second week of December.

It will happen in its own time.

Imp- in the meantime, any chance they are laying in secret?
Oh, I can relate. My Sultan stated around 22 weeks, then my buff Cochin started about 4 weeks later. I have a Sebright who has YET to lay an egg, they are all hatched at 2/23/10. Every chick lays at their own rate. I am hoping everyone will be laying by the end of the month, but now the Sultan is on strike, probably due to the cold weather.
I can definitely relate. I have a sq black bantam cochin who has yet to lay at 7 months and a WCB bantam polish who is 8 months and no egg from either. I am going nuts. I swear they are conspiring to send me to the nuthouse. Good luck hopefully yours won't take this long.

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