I know this is for chickens but Ive got a cat problem please help me


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 20, 2009
this morning i went to feed my friends chickens and i saw my outdoor cat earl he was limping badly his leg had bit marks and was bloody.We brought him inside and are trying to give him water but is there anything else we can do untilll we get him to the vet.He is my favorite cat and Id be heartbroken if anything happened to him

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Get him to the vet today! Bites on cats from a fight tend to abcess and he needs to be on anti-biotics asap... in the meantime, use common scense measures, wash well and bubble with peroxide. Hopefully he has had his rabies shot... if not I would get it for him. I'm sure he will be fine! Good luck and thanks for taking care of your friends chickens.
Can you tell what bit him? In FL this time of year, could it have been a snake? How is he acting at this point? Lethargic or dizzy? (If so, think snake bite probably.) How long has the bite been there? Most likely another cat bite, and as the last poster said, cat bites are nasty and get infected and abcess very quickly. If the injury was just sustained, I'd say flush it out as best you can with water or saline solution. Smell it.... does it smell rotten? If so, it's been there a while and is starting to abcess. Your best solution is the vet. Good luck.
he has a broken leg it wwas probly the stupid people down the road with 15 million dogs. it just happend today i found him this mornig at 7or 8 am. ill keep you updated if something happends thank you for all the help but please give more

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Hi Marissa - Please get him to the vet emergently, as in right now. Not just for medical reasons, but the pain must be unbearable. Please hurry. If you have Rescue Remedy on hand, or can quickly get, mix with a little water and give him a few drops for stress but that will not take the place of the need for immediate medical care. There is much hope for this sweet kitty but you have to act fast. Vets will see you immediately with emergencies. JJ
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Let us know after you see what the vet says!

... and PS... don't blame the neighbors and their dogs... being an outside cat has it's risks (think other animals, poisons, CARS, etc., etc., etc.)... but, being cats, being out is what they prefer and I think is best for them... but be aware of the risks and do your part.
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my mom got home from the vet

with an emty carrier the bits were to bad and he was in so much pain soo we we had to put him down the dr's think a fox got him but im just happy that he is no longer in any pain but thank you so much for all the addvise im sure he is and was thankful for all you help

marissa age 12

aww...that is just SOOOO sad
So sorry for the loss of your kitty. My kitty died last Nov, I am finally thinking about getting another little kitty to keep me company
Let your heart heal and soon you will be ready to provide another a safe loving home
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Oh baby girl I am so sorry.
He is at peace now, and the pain is gone. I know it hurts but, if you love an animal you don't want them to suffer. I had to put a kitty to sleep too. I cried all the way home from the vet, and all day. I was eight years old. 5 months later we adopted another cat, and he lived to be 22! Just think of all the kitties out there that would love to have you look after them. Hang in there, and hold your favorite chickie. It will make you feel better.

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