I set about 24 eggs that I won in an auction here. After about 7-10 days, I candled and not one developed
I figured out my problem, though, which is a great thing. I had been using a candy thermometer and went and bought a digital thermometer and hygrometer. Come to find out, my candy thermometer has been reading wrong this whole time. When I put the digital in to check temp. it read 96.3 The glass thermometer read 100. Now I know why all of my hatches have been a bust. I think out of probably 150 eggs in the past year, I've actually hatched 20.
I am so glad I finally listened to you folks and got the digital thermometer. Now I have 3 of my Splash Silkie's eggs in there and 3 of my RIR crossed with either a Black Australorp, SL Wyandotte, and Appenzeller. I am so excited to see what I get!
Wish me luck! They should hatch out around the 20th or so.

I figured out my problem, though, which is a great thing. I had been using a candy thermometer and went and bought a digital thermometer and hygrometer. Come to find out, my candy thermometer has been reading wrong this whole time. When I put the digital in to check temp. it read 96.3 The glass thermometer read 100. Now I know why all of my hatches have been a bust. I think out of probably 150 eggs in the past year, I've actually hatched 20.

I am so glad I finally listened to you folks and got the digital thermometer. Now I have 3 of my Splash Silkie's eggs in there and 3 of my RIR crossed with either a Black Australorp, SL Wyandotte, and Appenzeller. I am so excited to see what I get!