I like help on the breed.


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2015
I was told 'black sex link Wyandotte rooster and barred rock hens' however they look different to me. Someone said the ones with the white dots on their heads are roos. I want to make sure that's true before I buy more.
Black sexlink males and Barred Rock females will look the same, black with a white dot on the back of the head. Black sexlink females will be black and will not have a white dot. The yellow and brown ones look like Easter Eggers.

The chick in the back, second from the right of the waterer might be a Gold Laced Wyandotte.
Black sexlink males and Barred Rock females will look the same, black with a white dot on the back of the head. Black sexlink females will be black and will not have a white dot. The yellow and brown ones look like Easter Eggers.

The chick in the back, second from the right of the waterer might be a Gold Laced Wyandotte.
I agree. I wouldn't get rid of any of your black chicks with white spots on top of their heads unless you know for sure that they are Black Sex Link chicks (in which case they are males) rather than Barred Rock chicks (where both sexes have white spots on top). Conversely, I wouldn't buy any more black chicks with white spots on top of their heads unless you know for sure that they are Barred Rock chicks rather than Black Sex Link chicks.
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So there's a chance some of the ones with white spots could be girls?? I noticed one comb is looking pink but not all of them. Is that a better indication? ?
If the rooster was either a black sex link or a mix of black sex link and Wyandotte, you can't sex the chicks by color or markings. If he was straight Wyandotte, you should have sex link chicks. I'd see if I can get any more info from the seller before you buy more chicks. For now, I'd wait for classic gender signs like large red combs.
If the rooster was either a black sex link or a mix of black sex link and Wyandotte, you can't sex the chicks by color or markings. If he was straight Wyandotte, you should have sex link chicks. I'd see if I can get any more info from the seller before you buy more chicks. For now, I'd wait for classic gender signs like large red combs.
these are my first chick's so I'm not 100% sure what exactly all these breeds even are or what they would look like. And that was all the she told me about the breeds. But she told me that they would all be girls so idk.

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