I lost a duck today, disabled duck left alone. What now?


Feb 1, 2023
Today was a really hard day for me. I lost my young Muscovy duck to my neighbors dogs. It was no one’s fault but it was extremely windy today and she got spooked and even though her wing was clipped she caught the wind and flew over. It was extremely unexpected and I’m trying to cope

My main concern is my disabled duck who my Muscovy was originally for. I don’t think I’m ready for a new duck anytime soon but I also only ever had two ducks because of zoning laws I can’t keep more than 6 poultry on my property. Now my duck is practically alone and I’m not sure what to do while I take a period to heal and find another duck that will suit him as a mate. How can I keep him happy during this time? Any advice will help. I have a very realistic duck stuffed animal from when his brother died and I stuffed it with his brothers feathers for my own healing and I’ve been told to give it to him but im not sure if it’ll “freak him out” that this duck is just standing around and not moving. Anyways thank you to anyone who gives me advice right now I really need it, it breaks my heart that he lost another friend
I am so sorry about your Muscovy. :hugs
Do you have a mirror you can attach to a wall so he can see himself it can really help when they are left alone. They will lay in front of it and even talk to the duck in the mirror. It isn't the same as having another duck but until you can find another one it can help.
Try the stuffed animal and see how he reacts he may like it he may not.
My Duck died two days ago. It was the worse experience I have ever had. My poor baby. It was the scariest thing to watch him died and there was nothing I could do. I did notice he was pooping a blackish green poop. He was fine until that morning. I feel like such a bad duck momma. I miss that poor baby so much. Now my female is having watery poop and tiny blood clots. I have ivermectin but it’s the horse paste. Please someone tell me if I can give it to her and how much. I couldn’t handle losing my girl right now. She is a pekin so was my baby that passed.

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