I Lost my cat last night :(

ooh my gosh!..i have had a really sad night (lost a hen)..and then i just opened this thread up.....now i am all emotional again!...
...i am SO sorry for you!...
..please know that you are in my thoughts!..take care, Wendy
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i actually cried while reading this
its good to vent...whenever im frustrated or upset or sad i always go on and on and on....that was nothing compared to what i do...i must drive people crazy...im am SOOOOO sorry for your loss!!!!
Thank you all for giving me comfort in this time of mourning. We buried him yesturday next to the cat we lost earlier this year. I have been looking at local shelters and on the internet for "the right one" to again fill the empty spot in my heart, Sasha is sooo sad without another cat to snuggle with. I found one with special needs, he is just a baby and had to have half his tail and both hind legs amputated from an accident but his disability doesn't seem to phase him. I am trying to convince my husband that this cat needs us but he is saying we need to wait a bit longer. I still break down alot, in fact we went to fleet farm last night and i just broke down in the cat food section. i miss him sooo much, i can still hear his meow
and for a split second this morning i thought i saw him in my bedroom. After seeing all the cats that need homes i wish i could take them all
I feel for you big time. I am so sorry. I know what you mean when you think you see them, then you realize..

I am so proud of you for considering the special needs kitten. I hope it works out.
I am so sorry for your loss. Being pregnant and reading this, just made me even more emotional than I needed to be, I cried my eyes out for about 2 hours. I am very very sorry for your loss

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