I lost the battle (pic)

4-H chicken mom

Free Ranging
17 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Oberlin, OH
I have been battling the white stuff all winter. The snow finally won.
Last fall when we were finishing up the duck's pen, I only got half of the top done in chicken wire, the other half I just put on some of that cheap plastic netting used to cover fruit trees. Each time it snowed, I was out there in a hurry gently getting the snow off for fear of ripping it down. I think we've had about 3 ft. of snow, all in the last two months. Friday's 5 inches was the snow that broke the camel's back. Mine
I can't wait to move out of Ohio. Our last DD has two more yrs. of college left and I swear I am outta here. I am tired of shoveling.

I'm sick of the white stuff, too!
My neighbors having the same problem as you, except that it's her dog pens that are caving in. I'm sure the dogs don't mind though, they've had to come inside the house!
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