i love it but dislike it at the same time


too many projects too little time!
11 Years
May 2, 2008
Pensacola, FL
The rain that is..

It has not rained here in about 2 weeks and all my little polish have all grown back in their feathers.. well its raining and the two lazy ones that are still sleeping on the roost as I type this are fine but two of the others are all getting pecked on.. something about wet head feathers that attracts everyone..
other than seperating them all for the day not sure what to do. But we really need the rain..
I am so torn..
And to think I've been complaining about the rain turning the chicken run into a mudslide!

Other than separating them, I'm as lost as you are.
Last time my polish came in from rooting around in wet grass the others gathered around and nibbled at her head feathers. They weren't pecking her. It looked all the world like they were grooming her "do". Even the rooster was in on the salon treatment!
Silly chickens.

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