I love my City Chickens


In the Brooder
6 Years
5 Years
Jan 23, 2014
HI! I'm new here and happy to have an arena to ask questions from those who are experienced with Chickens and their care.

I began over a year ago by buying 6 chicks just a couple of days old. In time one turned out to be a Cock-a-doodle-do..so I had to return him to the store. San Diego,CA will only allow residential to have females.

The others are girls and just beautiful. In June I will add 6 more specialty chicks to my coop. Silver Laced Polish and Golden Laced Polish. I did read that they do not like the cold. So the heat lamps will be right there for them. Any helpful hints or advice I would greatly appreciate. My girls are healthy and are taken care of very well. I just love them. Look forward to hearing from you.
love them polish
I think my favorite is the Silver Laced Polish. I play Farmville 2 and they are running all over my farm. It would be nice to get the real thing!
Love the quote! Thank you. And thank you for welcoming me. I need to learn the ins and outs of this site...I'll get it. :eek:}
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You might want to check out some of the fun polish threads, ie https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...bout-your-polish-and-post-pics-of-your-polish My polish actually don't seem to mind the cold that much, the girls especially since they don't have much comb or wattle, the major thing is keeping the crests dry / from freezing if they get wet when they drink or just the weather... usually trim around their face to help with that, and so they can see better.

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