I may never eat another egg...

Aint nothing better than a fresh egg that has never seen a refrigerator.
Crack that thing in the skillet and it dont spread out, just stays in a nice pile and fries up pretty.

Mmmmmmmmmmm boy.
Store bought eggs just don't taste right to me anymore either.

My hens stopped laying for a while & I had to buy a few. They were awful & I think they were near the end of the 60 day FDA limit where they could be sold, too.

I am so thankful to my hens!
Me too - I buy only farm raised from local farms. Have for years.
We get five a day, large size from five sex-links. I give away more than I/we eat.

Mine have given me a whopping one egg two days ago - we're not egg-sufficient yet!

I call'em Hen fruit.

A friend of mine calls them cackle fruit!
I can never go back to store bought. I always had a problem flipping them over -the yolk always broke and the whites spread all over the pan. My fresh ones never break and stay nice and neat in the pan. The taste and nutrition are way better. We are all getting spoiled here!
Hang in there sunny, eggs are soon to come. I couldn't wait to get started. I love fresh eggs and am enjoying eating them. We get 8-11 a day from the RIR's. No one else laying yet. Funny, noone turns down fresh eggs when I offer.

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