I met a man last night who lives in a cave with a wolf!


Chicken Tender
13 Years
Oct 18, 2010
Now that I have your attention, lets talk about my chickens.... KIDDING!

I had heard about this young man from a friend who rents rooms to boarders. (Didn't think they still did that, but anyway) One of his former tenants moved out because he bought some LAND. Just land, no house or trailer or cabin or hut or barn!

The young man spent the summer out there, semi-living off & on the land. Time passed and my friend had heard nothing, assumed the young man moved elsewhere.

Until a couple of weeks ago, until he showed up completely filthy and with a huge wolf (actually only half wolf, I think) and a puppy. I believe both were adopted from shelters, because they had tags. Apparently the young man had built a dugout into the side of a hill and sleeps in it with the dogs! My friend allowed the young man to use the shower and also to wash the dogs, and then never heard from him until last night.

I happened to stop by on my way to Wal-Mart and met this man and the wolf and the puppy. Both the wolf and the puppy were very friendly, my hand being first licked by one and then chewed on with little puppy-teeth by the other. I spent a little time talking with them, mostly about my chickens, partly because I am greedy like that, but also because neither of them seemed have much to say! The young man's eyes lit up when I mentioned reading the Trader Joe's thread on here about hatching chicks out of store bought eggs. He seemed very excited at the prospect of this, especially as it pertained to eating the roosters (I shall certainly never invite him over to see MY chickens)!

For a brief moment, I imagined living in a cave with dogs and house chickens, then I looked over at the wolf, surreptitiously licking a hole into the rug, and remembered that "house" (or cave in this instance) chickens could be eaten by wolves and dismissed the thought.

I admire the young man for having such an adventurous spirit! I wish my live was more roughing it, like in books I read where rugged heroes slept out under the stars and a bad night was had when it rained! (My idea of a bad night in bed involves forgetting to switch the electric blanket on and remembering it when I think I am cold RIGHT before I am about to fall asleep!)

Now, lets talk about my chickens...
I dated a cave man.

He really wasn't all that adventurous or fascinating. In fact, he was kind of a jerk. He made a teller at the bank cry.

The cave was a great place to avoid being caught breaking the law in numerous ways, as well as a place to avoid paying taxes on a lot of income he was making. It also kept his many different wives from finding each other.

Plus, he pooped in a corner.
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My husband has family in VW and he had a great uncle I believe that lived in the side of a moutain and lived off the land for over 60 years
. No he was never married. Just a hermit and the family members would have to hike 4 miles to visit him.
There are still cavedwellers in parts of other countries as well. In China, when in a bus, and in the mountainous areas, you can see a single light suspended in the dark insets of the cave homes. Tough farmers and folks! Interested thread....I'm too heeby jeeby for this about snakes and spiders and bats!

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