I miss Roxy!!!!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 1, 2012
One of my most (if not most) beloved barred rocks got killed a wile ago. Her name was roxy. She was the prettiest barred rock i had. i have a 6x14x6(?) kennel outside were my chickens roam. somehow one of my dogs maneged to get roxy out of the kennel and killed her. I WAS FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We chased them away. After a day they came back. I then apologised about punishing them for being dogs. I mean, dogs are dogs,right. Now we have an electric fence around the kennel. and if they get approx. 15-20 yards to the kennel, i throw rocks at them ( i usally miss.) I might of forgiven them, but i don't trust them fully.......
I am sorry ! Dogs will be dogs, you just have to find a better way to seperate them from chickens. its not going to be easy ! I have to keep mine away from wildlife predators !
so sorry, but it's not completely the dogs fault. watch out with rocks, you would not want a big vet bill, let alone explaining why you wer throwing ROCKS at the dog. migt I suggest a tennis ball, or just a loud "NO" along with training near the chickens. teach it to avoid the chickens, or at least not to chase them.

not fussing, just that the dog doesn't know why you are upset

I'm sure you just want to vent.


i feel ya. after dh's dog killed my second turkey i insisted that we make a yard for our poultry. i kinda got my revenge watching him out there pounding T post in the ground. sweating like, should i say a dog, ( he he ) well now we have a nice safe yard for our chickens ,turkeys and guineas to fun and frolic in :)
Hello and welcome to BYC
Sorry to hear about your loss

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