I need a 12 step program

Was get another shed step 13 or step 16?

Was go to the FAIR step 17 or 21?

Is find a double yolker and put it in just because... a new step or somewhere in the first set of steps?
Last night I brought home plans for a shed. Very detailed plans. DH will either help or watch me use his tools!

He keeps forgetting I was a theatre tech for 4 years of college (my job). If I can build a raked stage and a set of Appalachian mountains, I can build a shed!!

Yup, I'm on the addiction train with no intention of stopping.
I have Mille Fleur d'Uccles. I have Self-Blue d'Uccles. and I'm dreaming of Blue Mille Fleur babies next spring....
Does that count the multiple BLUE eggs of yours set to hatch in my bator??? Temps perfect humidity great, day 19...
I got it, I got it!!!! Get someone else addicted to chickens, then you can "share" with them and your addiction should lessen!!!
Dang it, nope that wont work either, cause then they'll have a chicken you want, then you'll have to go get it, and get another one just to top them
........see....that's how it starts!!!!!!!
OMG that doesn't work. My "friend" got a Sportsman... Do YOU KNOW how many more chickens and turkeys I have because she will hatch FOR me as well????

Of course I do want some of her Marans and her Araucanas... and she was deeply attracted to the dark brahma bantams she just hatched for me....

We're both doomed... Someone put in an work order to extend the BUS and the couch...
How about we just pool our resources, buy a hunk of land, and start a chicken commune? We can live in our own coop, and wander over to visit all the other breeds and talk with our other addict friends.

Cause lets face it, I can't get on a bus with all you people unless you make it big enough to BRING MY BIRDS!

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