i need a knitting tutor... help with pattern?

yeah, i just watched her do a small one with 2 circulars. that looks better to me. lol. i take the easiest way out. nuff said/
The thing about knitting is to relax, enjoy, no panic, no stress! If you tense up, your stitches will be tight and not giving at all... if you relax and enjoy, (drink a cup of cammomile tea w/honey) your stitches will be "soft" and giving, springy, and this all relates to your "gauge" or the diameter and amount of stitches per inch in a pattern, meaning you can use a larger or smaller needle to get the proper gauge or stitches per inch.
wildsky, i sent you a pm, dont know if you got it.... i was wondering how many balls you would buy for each sweater, i have absolutely no estimation skills, and i found aplace to order discontinued yarn for cheap, so i would have to get it all at once,. thanks!!!
i repied
It is better to get it all at once anyway. Because you want to get the same dye lot ... unless you are using lots of colors and only need one skein of each. I will tell you that my scarves usually take about 200yards per scarf. The pattern Should tell you how much yarn you need. If it doesn't, I would buy at Least 3 or 4 just in case of a case - depending on how much is in each skein. You might end up with enough for two sweaters, but at least you will have enough, rather than running out. Enjoy!!
Good luck with that. It's pretty ambitious to go from a scarf to a sweater. I'm teaching myself too and I'm just on socks. I use the double point needles and I love them. For small rounds (like socks) I like that I can just go to the next needle once one is finished. 2 circulars have too many dangley things going on and you have to pull the needle through to begin again. I've tried both. It seems whatever was easier to learn is what people are comfortable with. If you do a large round (say for a sweater) the circulars are the way to go. You can use circulars for all projects that are on straights.

btw joann.com has a 30% of sale on their needles. There's a code for 50% of on one item or free shipping too.

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