I need advice..... Muddy chicken area!...wanting to be nicer and cleaner

Partition off part of it so that you can limit the chickens access to that nice large area. Plant grass or spmething and after it grows don't let the chickens over graze it. The ideal thing would be to have multiple paddocks so they can take turns recovering - even if that meant just cross fencing the area you have.
Gravel provides less drainage than sand alone, and usually costs more, depending on location
I would have to agree, we have clay and rocks in our run, and it got so compacted that there is drainage, tried hay, straw, mutch. those made it much, much more worse. Mind you, we have it covered, the run that is. So, the only option we have left is to dig around it and fill it up with rocks around the coop and run area, and run itself fill up with sand. Do you think it would help to do same in duck run as well?

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