I need advice on dealing with a big fat murderous raccoon!

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I live waaay out and have neither the time nor the patience for the coons-they are a nuisance and carry rabies-and they are mean-around her if you kill one with a shovel the animal control even takes the shovel when they come to get it because they don't want any chance of anyone getting rabies in any way....they all get lead poisoning and we let coon hunters hunt here regularly
we live by the SSS.......
We FINALLY caught that murderous jerk! I've been checking that trap everyday for more than 2 weeks...so far we've only managed to catch our cat and yesterday, I caught a hen because I forgot to close the trap in the morning. This morning I finally got the jerk!

Now, how do I dispose of the coon? I would prefer to just shoot it, but how exactly do I get it out of the trap to do so? From my experience, he's a quick sucker...and I'm not a great shot...so just letting him out and shooting him probably isn't the best option.
i am sorry to say that as a wildlife person and working in the conservation/wildlife field, that is what we reccomend for hte animal. Drowing. I cant do it, nor will I . I just cant. to me it is suffering.

I would shoot it in the trap. put him out of his misery all at once. no suffering.

DO NOT RELOCATE him. Each animal has his territory, and by relocationg you will ultimately be dropping him in anothers territory and disrupt the areas causing a fight to the death for one or the other.
Shoot it in the trap. In my have-a-heart trap the wire is 1"x1", so there is no issue getting the muzzle of the firearm in there. Head shot, and it is done.

BTW, you aren't done. Don't think that just because you caught one that there are no more threats.
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I was definitely planning on keeping the trap set and baited every night. I know that there are a couple of coons in the vicinity as well as possums. I plan to keep it set at lease several days per week now.
Ok, I just took care of it. Shot him in the head through the wire with a .22. Now all I have to do is shovel and shut up.

Thanks for the help, everybody!
Glad you FINALLY got'em as you've been advised keep the trap set he probably wasn't the only that stops by to make sure you didn't leave the coop openyou know just wanting to help you out. ha!
Just be prepared for more. There rarely is just ONE coon. As of this morning, we are on number 13! Always be on the look out!
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