I need another chick like I need a hole in my head....LOL!


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
So yes I went to the feed store and guess what?

Oh come on now guys you will never ever guess what happened after that?!

Yes I got a RIR chick because I just never have enough chicks. My thought was...well I am not getting any RIR hatching eggs in the future so at least I will have a RIR pullet and I can keep her cause its a she. LOL!

Goood freaking greif, I am pathetic. Now DH is gonna come home and just really wonder if I am a alien! LOL!

ohhhhhhhhh...Your saying what my DH says to me all the time.."Girl!!...You need another chicken like you need another hole in your head!!"...lol..

You will be just fine, it will be just dandy!!......thats what I tell him
Oh, I know the pain! LOL
I need to go get my taxes done, but am scared, because I have to pass by TSC....and I KNOW the chicks are in...and I KNOW I will just HAVE to stop in to " look" I have 9 in the brooder, and 20+ in the bator due in 12 days! AND, all my pens are full!
Congrats on the new baby tho.
Speaking of TSC...lol...I asked DH to stop in and pick up my wood shavings this time causeeeeeeeee I knew I couldn't go by the chick brooder and not bring anything home....DH on the other hand will resist!!
OH really!! Oh then maybe I could have skipped getting the RIR. Ohhhh but she was soooo cute and was begging fo me to take her home. OH wait...it was my dd who forced me to get a RIR chick....yea...yea...thats the ticket!
I can say no to chicks, but mine is getting in ducklings! I can always make up hundreds of excuses for chicks, but ducks? im so deprived of duckly love...ive had just about all the chickie love i can take. i have chickens coming out my ears!
I know you had at least 2 or 3 RIR eggs but it's no guarantee who the roo was.The 10 I hatched in december that are 12 weeks old, 6 of them are pure RIR's.So maybe just maybe.
I know I went to a local hatchery and all the birds are so cute. My first 2 birds are coming in 9 days (good Friday) and 4 soon after that. we have a small lot so we cant have lots of animals but i want them all.
I feel you pain

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