Hey hey hey all you chicken friends. I am planning ahead. Next spring I want to get a new batch of chickies. Not sure what breeds I want! I like to have a variety flock, where no two chickens are alike. So I need suggestions. I don't want any breeds I have now- Ill list them below. I know I want a Cochin or two, but that's all I can think of. I like pretty breeds with unique colors, without looking muddy. I like em big and poofy. What breeds do you recommend?
I own:
Red sex linked
Buff Orpington
Lavender Orpington
Blue Orpington
Gold laced Wyandotte
Easter Egger
New Hampshire
Speckled Sussex
Breeds I don't like:
Silkie (Looks too much like a poodle to me)
White faced Spanish (Too...droopy)
Polish (Eh, not a big fan on the afro)
Anything barred (Bad experience with barred chickens)
Game breeds
I own:
Red sex linked
Buff Orpington
Lavender Orpington
Blue Orpington
Gold laced Wyandotte
Easter Egger
New Hampshire
Speckled Sussex
Breeds I don't like:
Silkie (Looks too much like a poodle to me)
White faced Spanish (Too...droopy)
Polish (Eh, not a big fan on the afro)
Anything barred (Bad experience with barred chickens)
Game breeds
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