I need help šŸ˜¢ first time hatcher


Jan 18, 2022
I got two fertile turkey eggs from my beautiful mama turkey mable. Iā€™m trying to hatch them. I ordered an incubator and itā€™ll be here tomorrow. Until then I set the eggs in a covered heating pad so they didnā€™t get cold. The heating pad did something weird and they got REALLY hot. Will they be ok?
I got two fertile turkey eggs from my beautiful mama turkey mable. Iā€™m trying to hatch them. I ordered an incubator and itā€™ll be here tomorrow. Until then I set the eggs in a covered heating pad so they didnā€™t get cold. The heating pad did something weird and they got REALLY hot. Will they be ok?
There's no need to keep them on a heating pad until your incubator arrives.
It's actually better if you don't.
If the heating pad got really hot then you might have ruined the eggs.

Also, when you're incubator arrives do not trust the built-in thermometer/temperature reading on it.
Get another thermometer and calibrate it so you can be sure that you're not overheating eggs that you put in it.
There's no need to keep them on a heating pad until your incubator arrives.
It's actually better if you don't.
If the heating pad got really hot then you might have ruined the eggs.

Also, when you're incubator arrives do not trust the built-in thermometer/temperature reading on it.
Get another thermometer and calibrate it so you can be sure that you're not overheating eggs that you put in it.
Eggs can be stored large side up in a carton on the counter for a week or longer and still be viable. As Kiki said though there is a real chance you cooked the eggs, my sympathies. If you get more it is best to wait till you have a full clutch until you start incubating.
ok Iā€™ll leave them out. How hot is too hot? It was an hour tops
They may or may not be good. The only way to find out is to incubate them at the correct temperature and don't overheat them again.

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