I need help..AGAIN, with these silkies..please!!!UPDATE::PICS

Thanks Peeps, Stubs has become one of my Favorites! He has a great personality! Southern....thanks! Its been a looooong road so far...and we are just now makeing the turn. I cant waite untill someone gets thier hands on these babies, and loves them like they NEED to be. I think we are getting the box issue settled...so, now....I need takers!! Who wants some?? They really need good homes. I wont have a warm place for them once winter settles in. ( of course, I am sure I will figure something out if I have to!)
Something about Stubs that just grabs your heart and squeezes it. I hope he has a long, happy, healthy life. Thank you for your time and effort and money that you have spent on these birds.
How long can you keep them? My birthday was in July but I still haven't gotten my BIG birthday present. I'm hoping to expand my coop so if I get my wish then I could take one or two but it won't be right away. Will they need special care? I can put stuff on the legs if I have to. Are they sick, or can I put them with my flock?
Oh by the way, do you remember the "Egyptian Houdan" I posted? Anyways my cousin got my hens sister and she has a bad leg.(she sat to long) I can talk to her and see if she would like those hens for her cripple hen. Just give me a little bit to get a hold of her.(May be tomorrow before I can tell you anything) Are you charging anything or are you giving them for free?
Hey Deb, are they your hairy arms in the pic?????looks like you need to spend some time on yourself too!!!Joking!
You are the BEST!!!
As ive mentioned before, can anyone act as a Central delivery point on the chicken railway ir will that create more dramas?
Im sure you lovely people will succeed in this, when you all pull together great things can happen here.
Be sure to keep all the pics Deb and all the nice people who help out can take pics too and in the end you will have a lovely happy ending blog.
I feel the wheels are turning and I can see the light appearing at the end of the tunnel.
Im here with you, wish I was closer.
Love to all
OMG, Helen, THAT was Toooo funny!!! No, those were NOT my arms!
My son helped me today, HE was holding the chickens! I showed him your post, and he said " MY arms are NOT that hairy!" LOL Made me laugh even more! Ohhh, whew..I needed THAT! Thanks!
I absolutely love the 2 light colored girls in next to the last pic!!

I would love to have them but I will have to make some "space arrangements" myself.
Any idea what a shipping charge would be to get them to NC?

Edited to add:

I really love the poufy heads!! They are just too cute.
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Justusnak, I will take some of the babies, or hens just what ever will be cheapest for you to ship.

I dont care what you give me I would just like to help as much as I can I want to help those babys to actually look normal and have normale chicken life.

Drop me and E-mail to work somethings out.
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