I need help..AGAIN, with these silkies..please!!!UPDATE::PICS

Wow, I knew you could do it!!! well done everyone doesnt seem to cut it! i am so glad, lots of hugs from Aussie for you!
Hey Deb I hope that person doesnt buy anymore chickens now that she has space.
You may have to throw a lighted cigarette over her fence!
after youve taken all the rest of the chooks that is!!!
actually, thats not a good idea, they can DNA test cig. butts now, oh well you could always wear gloves!
Actually cancel all of above, she would probably come knocking at your door and want to camp at your place.
Somehow we have to stop her in her tracks! no more chooks.
Great news, that's so wonderful.
Deb, good job taking care of those chickens & many kudos to Maureen for running the Chicken Train.
Deb, you are a saint! You did a very kind thing . I just started reading this thread today, and I wish I would have read it sooner. I hope that woman doesn't start collecting again. I wish there were more people in the world like you (and others) here. Karen
There were 20 banties to start with. 13 hens, 7 roos. NewGuineachooks came and got 12 hens, 2 Roos....and one of my own roos. There is one hen left, already promised out, with 2 roos. So...that will leave me with 3 roos. Stubs is one of the ones left behind. I understand most dont want a handicapped rooster....but thats ok...he can be our Mascot!! LOL He sure is a pretty little partridge colored Silkie too. I will just have to fix him a warm place for winter...so he does not have to get out in the snow and ice. Im sure his little stubby feet will be sensitive. He needs a warm....sandy run....like you might find in Cali...Florida...or the Carolinas! ( hint hint to all you out there)
If there are no takers...he will just be my little buddy.
How much do you think it would be to ship Stubs? I know I've talked to you a hundred times about him but if it wouldn't be to much for shipping then I can take him.
The first 4 of the Ohio bantams have made it to their final, new home now! lfoose stopped by with her family this afternoon and collected their bunch. Since hers are bantams too, I'm, sure they'll end up being a very happy little flock.

And the little curly rooster and one of the bantys are in a quarantine cage here, waiting to become a part of our flock.

The others will get to their new homes during this next week. Its all working well here. :)

-m aka NGC

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