I need help picking chicken breeds for my new flock. Any advice?*PICS*

Get a Necked Neck, for sure. They're great egg layers and known for their sweet personalities. I've got five hens and they're all laid back.

You can't go wrong with the cochin hens. Not noisy and wonderful sitters...

Maaaannnn......this is just too hard. They're all so pretty and have such great qualities...how will I ever decide?

Everytime I read another post on this thread I want that chicken. Hmph.
Since you'd like a silkie, why would it be dumb? They're reasonably quiet, and make a great pet bird/ lap bird. My son adores his silkie. The problem is how hard they are to sex young, if you don't want a roo. However, ours is a roo when we wanted a hen, but we wouldn't trade him for anything.

I don't know why Silkies would get picked on...as long as you raise them all together they all should get along pretty well. I have 2 Silkies and 15 others and the Silkies are just fine. I love all my chickens so far, even my Leghorns. They are actually the friendliest of my group, believe it or not! Layla will do anything to get in your lap or on your shoulder...she's a sweetie. I'm sorry...I'm not making it any easier on you, am I? I think you'll be happy with whichever 3 or 4 you choose.
Oh, and get a Silkie
Try this quiz for breeds: http://www.mypetchicken.com/breedQuestions.aspx

my take on the breeds you like:

EEs- I love them I'm hatching some later this spring, their friendly, sweet and silly

BO-I want some but don't have any yet heard the very sweet

Barred Rock- mine are nice but but not the petting and holding type

RIR- mine are friendly but don't like being petted either
If you look at my sig line, you'll see that I have lots of different breeds. I would say barred rocks, hands down. They are absolutely my favorite hens out of the 25 we have. They are VERY calm--nothing ruffles them. They don't pick on others. Lay lovely eggs. I can really see why this breed has been a favorite for years. Finally, they aren't very loud (compared to my Delawares and Australorps, which spend most of each day yelling their fool heads off!

EEs can be wonderful, but that's less certain since you won't know what mix they are. Mine are a bit flighty, and being lighter bodied they were the ones that flew to the 14' rafters when small.

My Buff Orps never lived up to their reputations as sweet birds. They are flighty, and 2 of the three aren't very good examples of the breed. I did have one stunning, fluffy, gold watch colored BO hen. Of course, she was the one that was eaten by a dog.

Also, don't be afraid to get three different breeds. They won't care.


eta: All of mine are from McMurray.
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I'm seconding this! My BR are just the sweetest little honeys, and if I am able to take the time to sit in the backyard (which I do often) I am instantly covered in girls, wanting to be petted!!! I DO have them 'peck' at me, which is really them grabbing my clothes and pulling, but it's their way of asking me to physically put my hand on and, "Pet, already!!!"

My daughters play with them like mad and carry them around the yard. I had one lay down in my lap with her legs sticking up the other day!

FYI, their coop is windowless, with a fluorescent bulb so they can see in to go in, and only has a 6"x7" pop-hole to get in and out. It's a garden shed- look at this post so you can see it:


My girls stay in the coop to do their post-egg ba-gawking, and only half of the 6 BR do it, anyway. With this set-up, I can't hear them unless I'm right next to it, since the big doors are closed unless I'm in there. If you used vents to let the heat out and a solar fan inside, you could do this despite the heat in your area. Instructions for all of this are in the forum somewhere.

Most breeds ba-gawk, and my neighbor's Red Stars do it in concert when either lays, for a LONG time, so who knows if you can cover the noise if you don't do a closed coop.

I vote closed coop with attached, disguised run- and I LOVE my BR!! Best of luck, and I vote cochin bantam, too- mine are still little, but quiet puffballs!

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