I need help please..... dog attack ...update: She didn't make it!

I haven't had to medicate a chick for pain so I don't know the right remedy, but this poor little chicklet may need some pain relief to make it a bit easier to cope right now. Hopefully someone will come along with the info needed.
Yeah, it did say that. But dogs are dogs. Just as a kid needs a spanking sometimes, so do dogs.
My dog got tackled for attacking my 17 year old cat. She wasn't injured at all, but I can tell you she hasn't chased the cat since. She should know better, she's been told time and time again. She's been thumped on the rear end, but it did no good. But getting knocked on her side, that did it. She hasn't chased any domestic critturs since. Saved some rabbits lives, as well as a cat or two.
If you think about it dogs as a pack in the wild are completely viscous with eachother....if one is stepping out of line and doesnt listen to a snarl of a pack leader....its mawled. Thats how dogs naturally opperate.
Sometimes we have to speak their language!!! "GRRRRR!!!"


anyway...we are getting off topic!!!!! lets stick to 'sweetpea'....can't wait till we find out how she ends up doing with that leg!!!!! poor chickie poo!
Maybe her nickname will be 'pogo' LOL


To Allmypeeps-

I'm not really worried. I have a bird dog, but she's the sweetest thing. The only thing she runs after are things who run from her. The cat who's too fat to run, she never chases. The dog actually protects her from the other cat.
I just need to teach the chickens, peck, don't run. Then they'll be fine. I'm really not worried about the cats, one is 17 and blind, the other is too fat to do more than waddle and was abused as a kitten so she spooks at anything that moves. The only thing she can hunt are lizards, and she does that by cornering them.
Doggone it, no pun intended. I hope she does o.k. It sounds like you got right on it with the cleansing of the wound and getting the antibiotics in her and on the wound. Time will tell. I think animals adapt like children do to injuries. . .she will probably be your best chicken and most loved one too!!! Good Luck!! I also think our dogs just act on instinct, and especially an old one, they just live in the moment and that is that. Our two dogs set at the Alpaca fence and bark and whine and the Alpacas just look at them with these bored looks on their face, but if one of them gets a little rowdy with the barking, the gelding will run right to the fence and the dogs run like a turkey. . .keep us posted on her condition!
Could someone give her the dosage for aspirin in the water for pain. I know I've seen it on here before. As long as she has no active bleeding anywhere. Anyone know the dosage??
So, I am about to be new to the world of chickens. I currently have 2 boxers who are accustomed to our 3 children, but have no real experience with smaller animals, as they are not really exposed to them where we live. we are on a private road, where no one has cats. The most they see are the squirrels outside (who they like to chase) So, what can I do to prevent a situation like this one? are there tricks to introducing new smaller pets?
Since it sounds like your pup is beyond training due to age, just keep the chickens up. Yes, your pup was there first, but we all need to make concessions.

I have tried out a few pups since my red heeler was killed by the coyotes. They went back to the previous owner, they were in my opinion untrainable.

It takes a special dog to get along with the chickens, then a lot of training to keep them from harming any of them.

Even my Corgi gets excited when the Guineas start flying and squaking and YES I BEAT HER BUTT. How the hell else are you suppose to take care of a situation like this. Sit her down in a time out and explain to her this is unexceptable. PLEASE.

It only took ONE time. I love my Corgi and i will wack her on the butt so she stays a decent and loving pup.

We bring her in EVERY night, feed her, love on her and water her.
She is safe from the Coyotes. We ARE her world.

So go ahead and tell me how terrible and Cruel I am.

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