I need help please..... dog attack ...update: She didn't make it!

i dunno if that constitutes the aspca. she could have swatted her with a newspaper for all we know. reguardless of age, a dog can still learn a lesson.
i hope everyone is fine! i hope your chickie heals;)
We do not have an Avian vet around here. I sure wish we did though. I will see what my vet has to say in the morning. Thanks.

Don't worry- you knew people would take 'words on a screen' literal and out of proportion and they did...(surprise surprise) best response is to not respond at all- no need to defend yourself.

I'm a vet assistant and my dogs get 'spankings'. Nothing wrong with that...I tried all different things trying to teach my darn dog not to eat cat litter...I even cut a hole in a door so only the cats could get thru...but the darn dogs squeeze themselves thru it! I had to have one dog's stomach pumped because he was vommiting for 6 days- found out it was clumped cat litter in his stomach---so a spanking smartened him up and probably saved his life (he thinks about it twice now before he raids the catbox)
People take some things out of context.

anyway please let us know what your vet says about your 'sweet pea'...Splinting should be done around a leg that is put in a 'useable position' if possible, rather then bent up under her. extend the leg and make it so that if it were to 'heal' the bird could still used it and put wieght on it. it would be more beneficial to her that way--- the good leg will be overwhelmed and tired and se will spend her time trying to balance....

Dont worry about it being awkward or uncomfortable to sit/lay down extended out- she will shift onto her side to lay, just give her soft bedding such as clean rags.

I am SO glad you are willing to go the extra mile for a chick in this perdicament...alot of people would cull (their choice of course) just good to hear this one will get medical attention and given a chance to someday be a happy chicken- despite her potential malformity.

Good luck to you!!!!
Thankyou so much for the encouraging words. I really needed them. I will try and splint it later with....something. I will figure out what. As I said before, I am a totally softie when It comes to animals. I am alway's willing to go the extra mile. My chickens are pets. I will love her weither she has 1 leg or 2.....
By restricting your dog from comming in contact with chicks/chickens you will always live in fear of what may happen if..
So (if possible) you can try teaching the dog how to behave around baby chicks so this doesnt potentially happen in the future?

I have 4 dogs and 4 cats and they do not touch baby chicks. My trick was I made them 'submissive' to the chick...if I just said NO! and defended the chick, then they would just go after it while I am not around...

(I would often let my chicks hop around the kitchen floor) what worked for me was anytime my pet would get 'too interested' in a chick I scruffed my pet and rolled them over on there backs (submissive position) and placed the chick on top of them and then said LEAVE IT. By putting the chick ON them and holding it there while (vocally) scolding, the CHICK was essentually defending itself and 'dominating them', and made the chick seem not so helpless, so they learned to respect the chick.

This worked for me...however I know my pets well and cannot guarentee this will work for others, it depends entirely on your pet and its breed and nature and how confident/comfortable you feel trying it and 'knowing' your pet. Obviously if you have an overactive 80# dog this may not be feasible or wise. My pets are very obedient in general and learn things quite fast. My pitbull treats baby things as if they were her very own.

I do not ever leave them absolutely alone with baby chicks, but if they were to be near them with me not around I am confident they will behave respectfully.




Good luck! please keep us updated on "sweet pea"
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gabby3535 said: Edited to remove flaming.

gabby Im sorry but i think that is RIDICULOUS! She never said she beat Sassy's A** she said she got her and put her away! Stop exagerating and give the poor person a break! LIGHTEN UP!​
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...I think the post may have been edited? but either way even if barnyard DID initially type that its a figure of speach and written in a state of upset, but you are right...Gabby was WAY too LITERAL!!!!

To MaggieRae,

ha ha! glad to 'inspire'.....!

but do not try it if you pet is actually viscous towards them already...a dog that will snap at a chick regardless if you are standing there or not or a dog that has alreay killed before is NOT a good candidate for this method...once a killer always a killer usually!!!!


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