I need help please..... dog attack ...update: She didn't make it!

I totally agree!! Thankyou!!
I am sorry to hear about your bird.

And it is not your fault about sassy, I didn't catch the whole thing on here about you kicking her butt, but if someone would call you for that , they might as well call on me too. lol I have 4 small dogs, they are great with the birds, one EE lives in the house w/us too! But those dogs are stubborn in so many ways and I don't know how many times I have said that, or even hit their little butt w/a paper because they love to bark and no matter how much I tell them shh they do it. and if I didnt start doing that my little ones would never get a nap! lol

I hope your baby will be ok and I will pray for her!
I too am sorry to hear bout the little one...I have lost a few to dog attacks. I wish my blue would have been trainable but i ended up giving him to a happy home to save my chickys. NOT that that was an option for you. You gal is part of you family and we all know how hard it is to sometimes blend families. I too didn't quite get all the post thanks to the good moderators. (really ty cuz it keeps the peace, been there done that) But I got the gist... don't you feel guilty..not your fault ...she was just doing her thing. OH these darn kittens..get off me! Stay away from the keyboard! shooo...thinkin of throwing them in with the pullets to learn a lesson! Wait...is that abuse? hummm
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Do you think the leg is fractured? Is it a compound type fracture (bone through the skin)?
Reason I ask, and I don't know if anyone will remember but Pumpkinpup had a young Tom Turkey that somehow ended up with a Compound Fracture to it's wing. We came up with a splint idea and did that with preventive care. He is fine now and in fact is out in one of my pens with a Hen.
PM me and let me know if I can help in anyway. I would think the first thing would be to get the chick over shock.

I totally understand dogs, we have several, most are Jack Russells and one is a 12 yr Cocker Spaniel with "selective" hearing.

Good Luck
Please dont beat yourself up about that - we all make mistakes. Last year our dogs ate 5 of our chickens it was awful but its what they do. This year we are making sure they are well protected. If you ask me the fact that you took the time to sling it etc. shows that you are very compassionate. I hope your chicken is alright.
It is infact a compound fracture. I believe it is going to be her thigh. I have been talking to Pumkinpup.....she is awesome!! I am going first thing in the morning to get some supplies to see if I can splint it.
She is doing pretty good. I gave her some water earlier and she was eager to drink, so that is a good sign. I haven't tried to feed her since the attack. I will give her food in the morning. My poor baby
she is so sweet. She does actually try to get around alittle, but I want let her. We took us a nap in the recliner for a couple of hours.
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The dosage usually recommended on BYC for ADULTS is five 325mg aspirin (no substitutes uunless confirmed okay for chickens) crushed per gallon water. That's roughly equivalent to one baby aspirin per cup of water. Peter Brown believes this is a very low dose overall. ******But I do not know for certain whether this dose applies to chicks.******* I do know that baby is probably in a world of hurt and that every hour must seem an eternity so getting on the right pain relief asap would be merciful for the little one....assuming no internal bleeding.

I don't believe there is any internal bleeding. I have checked her poo and it seems normal. There is still a little drainage from the leg, but I knew there would be with an open wound.

So can I crush a baby asprin in a cup of water?
I LOVE those pictures. Your methods are interesting too.

I have an 8 month old cat, who i didn't think would be any problem at all. He seemed to take no interest whatsoever in my chickens. He would just lie around and watch them - not even stalking - just lying around and watching. No sooner did i decide that he wasn't a threat, when my husband had the chicks out in the yard for some recess time
and one of the chicks got a little bit separated from the flock. My husband said it seemed like something instinctual took over the cat, and he couldn't NOT go after the isolated chick. My husband was right there, and even though he pounced, the chick wasn't hurt at all. But it was very interesting. I don't think that my cat has any notion that these little animals could be food for him. And honestly, the chicks are about to outgrow the cat, so i'll worry less and less, but i think he might've actually wanted to play.

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