I need help with a dying hen


5 Years
Oct 10, 2018
Puerto rico
So yesterday my hen was a bit sick she wasn’t walking much even though she was fine in the morning she ate drank water but then I noticed she was a bit ruffled and I have no idea what could’ve happened I know she was a territorial hen so I thought maybe she got into a fight I isolated her and today I found her in worse condition I don’t know what happened i know she probably won’t make it sadly one of my favorite hens I have suspicions maybe she had a broken egg inside her oviduct
as you can see in the picture I’m barley pulling on her tail and her cloaca is wide open her droppings were pretty runny kind of a gooey texture
So yesterday my hen was a bit sick she wasn’t walking much even though she was fine in the morning she ate drank water but then I noticed she was a bit ruffled and I have no idea what could’ve happened I know she was a territorial hen so I thought maybe she got into a fight I isolated her and today I found her in worse condition I don’t know what happened i know she probably won’t make it sadly one of my favorite hens I have suspicions maybe she had a broken egg inside her oviductView attachment 2423253as you can see in the picture I’m barley pulling on her tail and her cloaca is wide open her droppings were pretty runny kind of a gooey textureView attachment 2423254View attachment 2423255
Ah, she s a very pretty NN, their my favorites. You could put her down. I so sorry.😭
Aw, very sorry you had to say goodbye so soon. Sounds like she was a lucky hen to have you with her from the beginning :love
Thank you very much,I raised her from a chick and I loved her with my life she became a hen when my oldest hen Turkey died and I suffered for Turkey but Gabriela always comforted me with her chicken stuff sadly I had to say goodbye too soon and to be honest I was the lucky one to have her from a start such a good girl

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