
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Brockville, On
I have some pics of them and if you can tell which breeds they are that would be great! I'll try to add a description on the chicks aswell. The descriptions are below the pictures, not above.

This one is a bantam and looks pretty much like the one below but with feathered legs. Now idea what it is.

This one looks like the bantam chick above but without the feathered legs. Too my knowledge, it isn't a bantam. I have no idea what this one is. It is the friendliest chick in the bunch.

These two chicks have all balck feathers. This picture is a week earlier than now, and they are both much darker. The legs are dark also. Their beak is not all yellow, but has a bit of black on some parts of the beak.

This one is really skittish. It has some feathers now and they are all the same color as the chick pictured.

This one has clean legs. I'm wondering if it would be a barred plymouth rock or something, but i don't know.

Here they are all together with Bonnie!

So if anyone could shed some light on to what possible breed these chicks could be, that would be very helpful! Thanks so much and i hope to hear from you soon!
Well we bought the mom a few weeks ago. The previous owner just put some eggs under her and she hatched them. She came with the chicks. They are different breeds and i really want to know what they are. I have asked on here about 5 times and i've only got one reply that didn't really shed any light to what the breeds are.
Well we bought the mom a few weeks ago. The previous owner just put some eggs under her and she hatched them. She came with the chicks. They are different breeds and i really want to know what they are. I have asked on here about 5 times and i've only got one reply that didn't really shed any light to what the breeds are.
If you bought mom with the eggs then they are most likely a barnyard mix. It's going to be hard to pin point a breed unless you know what breeds the guy had together.
To my knowledge they are all purebreds, I have tried contacting him but i can't seem to get a hold of him. Do you have any ideas on what they could be? Even a few guesses?
If you bought mom with the eggs then they are most likely a barnyard mix. It's going to be hard to pin point a breed unless you know what breeds the guy had together.
I agree. ^

Even if she hatched them, there is no telling how many hens may have contributed eggs. When you consider that, now you have even more unknowns. Even if all adults were "purebred" and ran loose, it's highly likely that the chicks are crosses. How many different breeds? Now try to imagine how many different crosses there could be in the clutch of eggs.
The hen looks mille fleur...
I have no clue on the chicks. I can't get a good look at their combs yet. Hopefully they will be wonderful layers for you!
Your chick #1 with the feathered legs looks very similar to my bantam buff brahma chick...
I know it can be difficult to get chicks to stay still but we really need better pictures to get a good idea of what breeds they can be so don't hold them.
Full body shots, side view, as close as possible by themselves showing stance and legs. Also close up head shots showing comb type.
May be this would help us to be able to guess their breeds or combinations of.

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