I need help with Cuban Spanish again


11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
Bablefish failed to translate this for me.. most times i can get the idea of what my friend is trying to say but this one is kinda lost...

Cómo están Darlene y Mike quisiera decirles que los extraño mucho a todos, aquí en Cuba mucho calor y un sol muy fuerte tengo muchos deseos que llegue Noviembre para volver a verlos y compartir juntos en familia

thanks guys...
I believe they're asking if they can visit in November with the family.

I could be wrong!
I believe they're asking if they can visit in November with the family.

I could be wrong!

see thats what I thought too but WE are going to Cuba with the whole family for his birthday in november....
LOL, Dar, I did the last one, I remember it!

The key is to translate the intention, thought and feeling of the whole thing, not just the direct translation of the words.

"How are you Darlene and Mike, I want to tell you I miss you all very much, here in Cuba it's very hot and the sun is very strong. I am really hoping that November will come soon, to see you again and join together as family."

That's the gist of it, not a word for word. I did add some punctuation to make it an easier read.
LOL, Dar, I did the last one, I remember it!

The key is to translate the intention, thought and feeling of the whole thing, not just the direct translation of the words.

"How are you Darlene and Mike, I want to tell you I miss you all very much, here in Cuba it's very hot and the sun is very strong. I am really hoping that November will come soon, to see you again and join together as family."

That's the gist of it, not a word for word. I did add some punctuation to make it an easier read.

LOL thanks so much... when we are there his brother in law translates for us but on the internet I think he goes to his friends house to send the messages who does not speak a word of english...

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