I need help with my turkey hen !!!!

java girl 2

8 Years
May 17, 2011
I just got 7 month old pasture raised narragansetts turkeys on nov, 11. 1 tom and 3 hens. I have them in the barn under quarantine for 30 days. here is my problem, I have been petting them to get them to know me, well one hen now will come up to me so I can pet her and seams to get mad if I ignore her "she will peak me on my pants" Well on this wed when I was leaning over to full a feeder, she jump up on my back and started talking in my ear, so I pick her up and put her down. today she did the same thing 2 times, only this time I was standing up face away from her petting a bird in a cage. The first time I pick her up and she was ssooo calm, so I put her on my lap and she did not get off.so I was petting her for a min and put her down, I then put my foces on the bird in the cage and the turkey hen did the same thing only this time wene I tried to put my hands on her to put her down she bit me!! no blood but I cod not get her off me!! I had to go up then down 2 times to get her off me! she has bit me before but I just think she had onof of me. I am going to cull some turkeys, does she need to go !!!????
I have a little chicken like that. If she becomes a real nuisance and is dangerous (like now) you can cull her or, everytime she does something like that, flip her over and onto her back and hold her there. If she struggles free, then keep holding her... if not (They can sometimes just stay there when flipped over) then let her stay there for a few minutes and then let her get back up. If this doesnt work, then culling may be the best option.
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Just a guess, but she may be trying to be "dominant" over you... so by flipping her over, it helps establish a pecking order between you and your bird. She also just might be overly friendly.

BTW: I used this on my bird and it helped... I got the idea from people using this on aggressive duck drakes.
I think she has gotten spoiled and is upset when you give attention to another bird. I have spoiled birds, including some turkeys, and if they nip me they get told NO, and then a whack or a thump in the beak. I had one turkey hen that loves me but always bit my ring..... a couple times of NO and a thump in the beak, she quit. Even now she will look at the ring, get an inch a way and just stare, as she knows not to grab it...
My tom likes to grab me by the tail of my shirt or the hem of my jeans if he wants attention.
He HAS bitten me before, but only because when I stick my hand out, it usually has some kind of food that he likes in it-don't think he's trying to be mean.
I have been very surprised at how social turkeys are so I attribute a lot of his behavior to curiosity.

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