I am almost done building my coop. I should be putting my babies out there this weekend. I have an Easter Egger and a Buff Orpington. I have a few questions that I was hoping you all could help me answer.
I was figuring on putting a food container in the coop and one in the run. Water container in the coop and one in the run. I was planning on filling the floor of the coop with about 4 inches of shavings. I have a linoleum floor. I was going to put a lot of shavings into the nesting box, too. I have a roosting bar up.
Here are the questions that I have:
1. How often do I clean the coop?
2. How do I separate the poop from the shavings so I can use it for my garden?
3. Should I use diatomaceous earth in the coop? Is it harmful? I heard it keeps flies away.
4. Should I be giving my chickens grit or oyster shells?
5. Should my chickens have any kind of medication?
6. Should I provide a bin of sand in their run, so they can take sand baths?
Thank you, in advance, for helping me out. I LOVE this site! Everyone is so helpful and nice! I just want to make sure I am doing everything I can to keep my chickens healthy, clean, and safe!
I am almost done building my coop. I should be putting my babies out there this weekend. I have an Easter Egger and a Buff Orpington. I have a few questions that I was hoping you all could help me answer.
I was figuring on putting a food container in the coop and one in the run. Water container in the coop and one in the run. I was planning on filling the floor of the coop with about 4 inches of shavings. I have a linoleum floor. I was going to put a lot of shavings into the nesting box, too. I have a roosting bar up.
Here are the questions that I have:
1. How often do I clean the coop?
2. How do I separate the poop from the shavings so I can use it for my garden?
3. Should I use diatomaceous earth in the coop? Is it harmful? I heard it keeps flies away.
4. Should I be giving my chickens grit or oyster shells?
5. Should my chickens have any kind of medication?
6. Should I provide a bin of sand in their run, so they can take sand baths?
Thank you, in advance, for helping me out. I LOVE this site! Everyone is so helpful and nice! I just want to make sure I am doing everything I can to keep my chickens healthy, clean, and safe!