I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

It could be your feral does hunt, he just isnt bringing you the kill to show off. He is probably eating it or leaving it at the sight of death and you are none the wiser.

One of mine always brings me the mouse, gopher or squirrell while a different cat kills and eats em and all I find is little mouse heads laying somewhere.
Bring her in, let her have her babies, and then spay her before you let her back out. She'll be able to get pregnant immediately again. Keep her penned until you can afford to fix her. They can even be fixed while the babies are still around, and especially once the babies are weaned at 4 weeks.

I would pen her NOW! If you can tell she's pregnant it could be tomorrow or 2 weeks from now. But you also want her to be used to the pen before she has babies. You don't want her in a new place while in labor, she needs to be there before hand. Feed her kitten food, she's going to need a lot of nutrition. Wild cats tend to have most of their kittens die, so to give the kittens a chance, she'll need good food.
Asher- where are you? You can PM me that info, I am just wondering how close to me you are, I'll run a load of kitten chow for you.
She should hang around where you feed her. So start feeding her in the barn. Straw is good bedding because it stays dry longer than fabrics. You might want to give her a choice of a couple of boxes with straw in them. Don't bother the kittens the first couple of weeks. Give her a chance to feel safe where she has them. At about 4 weeks old she will start leading them to the food dishes.
Good mousers will teach their young to mouse. They will catch mice and bring them back alive for the kittens to "hunt". I know this because my American Bobtail would bring live mice into my house for her kittens.

It's so nice of you to take care of her. Especially since you have allergies.
We have two female outside-only cats, as my Dad is allergic to cats as well. Usually I have shut them in our shed at night when I think they're close (I try to keep tabs on them during the day – if they disappear, it may be time). I don't think it'd be a bad thing to shut your kitty in the barn for a while – last time my kitty had her litter during the day when I was out of the house. It was pouring down rain and she chose to have her kittens beneath a sheet of that corrugated metal siding you put on barns. I was very unwise and moved them
into the shed when I found them, but thankfully she agreed to raise them there. You should try to avoid moving a litter of kittens when you can – the mother may abandon them. So probably confining her to the barn would be a very good idea.
Also, make sure you've shown her the 'queening' box that you've given her. She may of course choose not to have them in there, but you can always hope! Our first litter of kittens was very nearly delivered IN MY LAP! I'm not exactly sure that she knew what was happening.
That is, until the first kitten was out. And then she was on it – she was an excellent mother.

You may want to give her a litter box if there isn't a good place for her to go to the bathroom when she's in the barn.

Have fun with your little babies! Be sure to show us pictures when they've arrived!!!
Oh, yes. A litter box in the barn is a good idea. This way she will litter train the kittens incase they go to indoor homes.
Aw, sweet of you! I'm between Asheville and Hickory, but there's no need for that. I appreciate the offer, though!

My dad was over today and said he doesn't think she's pregnant, just fluffy (I believe she's part Maine Coon Cat), but I think he's wrong. I guess time will tell. I did get her some kitty food and have been leaving that out free choice for her.

This is Ruby


(Anybody local want HER before or after she's done, if she is pregnant?)
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Still no kittens. She is HUGE, though. I penned her with the chickens 2x and she escaped (somehow. I seriously don't know how.) both times.

We have cleaned out the shed and made a nice comfy place in there for her, but I know she'll likely have them elsewhere. I wish she would just stay where we put her. I do now have a cage that I could lock her in with a bed and a litter box, but I'm seriously afraid she will do herself or the babies damage, if I do that. She literally crawled up the chickens coop/run multiple times to find a way out before she finally found one and seemed a bit...er...crazy...trying.

So she was visibly pregnant 1/13/2010. It's now 2/28/10 and she is HUGE. Any guesses on how much longer? She looks miserable. My dad is guessing she has at least 5 in there. I'm afraid there are more like 8. How many kittens do cats normally have? Geezum pete, I was hoping for just a few at the most so that I could get them fixed out of pocket before adopting them out.
Good advice. Don't try to cage or contain her, she will harm herself and the kittens. Mama cats have very good instincts. As soon as she weans those kittens get her spayed.

Good for you, taking her in!

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