I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

This story is eerily similar to my family's.... cat MIA right before we get her neutered.... cat getting really big..... cat goes to sleep next to me on the couch, starts groaning and pushing.... BA-BING! 3 kittens !(only 1 survives, my cat Mitch)
I agree, keep Kitty warm, feed her kitten food, make sure she has a comfortable spot to give birth.
and get her neutered quickly. after her first litter, we waited too long to get our cat fixed and a few weeks later there were six more kittens. 4-6 is the usual number.
Thank you. We have a spay/neuter alliance here which is much better financially than the regular vet, but at 65 per female and 35 per male plus 10 to give each a rabies shot, it really adds up.

ANYWAY...we'll figure it out somehow.

And I'll try not to get started on irresponsible jerks that abandon their animals so others have to care for them. *sigh*
She's beautiful! If I Lived Closer..............................anyhoo, in response to your question about normal size litter, IMO I would say 3 to 5 is Normal, but they always surprise us!
Keep an eye on her, and when she has her babies, you will be able to follow her to her nest, and take the kittens to where ever you have the carrier but let her see you take them and she should follow, take them all at once or she will take the remaining kits elsewhere and you will be bottle feeding the first ones you took and you will have to hunt them down all over again.

Actually a big box with out lid with one side removed halfway down so mom could get out but not babies would be great, but only if you are keeping it in a safe place where it won't get wet, or bothered by animals.
Once you have them in the carrier or box and mom is settled in with them she should stay without a problem.
Be sure the kittens are safe from raccoons, skunks, snakes, Dogs, etc.
Good Luck! and be sure to post Pictures!
I swear I keep thinking she will pop. There is no way she has much longer. I think it will be within the week. I wish I could contain her without harm coming to her or babies, but I just don't think she'll be okay with it.

Here's sweet Ruby today. Her tummy feels as big and tight as it can possibly get, but I always felt like mine was, too and it always got bigger!

Awww! Yup..shes gonna pop soon..

Kittens sre SO sweet... make sure you have her locked up somewhere now... so she dosent go off and have them outside someplace...
She will have to be outside. I can't have her in the house and she's escaped both times that I put her in the barn. I'm afraid to try again, lest she hurt herself and the babies. Should I just go ahead and do that, anyway? I have a large wire dog crate that I could put her in, in the barn, but I don't want her to hurt herself trying to escape (there would be no way for her to escape from that). It would be big enough for some bedding/a "nest" and a litter box. Should I put her in that? I could do it in the barn or I could do it in the back shed.

(If yes, anything I could use for the litter box for now? I have nothing around here like that since we only have the sort of ferals. I could put hay or something in the box, though.)

Any guesses how much longer? Shall I take guesses of how much longer and how many?
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I would cover the crate with an old sheet, blanket or something to make it dark as possible for her, otherwise she will be nervous. A small box would work for a litter box for the time being. Wal Mart has plastic dish pans for a couple of bucks as well. (I use them for nest boxes)

Can you pick her up? If so and she will let you you can check her milk and get an idea, if you can get a drop or two squeezed out the stickier it is the closer she is. Temperature is the best indication, but heck my dogs always hate me when I take theirs when they are prego, I can imagine a cat being less than happy about that.
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She will let me pick her up sometimes, but might claw the beejesus out of me if I try to express milk.

Do you think barn or shed would be the best place to put her? Barn is more closed up than the shed, but has chickens in it so may spook her more? Rats and `coons can get in the shed.

We're getting the crate ready right now.

We are snowed in right now so anything we do/use will have to be something that we can access from home. We have a dish pan litter box thing that we were given when we adopted our ferals previously that I was going to use, but not sure what to put in there for litter.
Yes, please put her in the crate... cover it..make it private and semi dark for her.
I'm just worried that she'll have those babies outside..that that would be sooo bad this time of year..
is there a special place that you have noticed that she likes to hang out in..?? Somewhere in the barn?? Because that may be the nest spot that she has chosen... you'll need to really follow her around and see where she goes...
If she has chosen a place in the barn..i'd just leave her be...
but if she has chosen a place outside..then....ugh.... thats not good... you'll have to crate her...

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