I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

make sure the chickens cant get to the kittens... if they see the blood from birthing..they may go after the babies... i know i've seen my birds kill small critters.. a frog and a chipmunk...
maybe i worry too much..but chickens can be brutal sometimes...
No, our barn is not open so nothing can get in or out unless we put them in or out. There is tons of stacked wood around here (we share a driveway with a builder) and she goes under there a lot. I told my sons to get the crate ready in the barn and they took this to mean to catch Ruby so they scared her away. Dagflabbit! She likes me best right now so hopefully I can catch her later once she comes back and put her in there.

The chickens would not be able to access the kittens in the cage, as long as they stay in the cage. I think we have some cardboard that we could put around the cage to keep them from crawling out. After they are born, should we let her out or will that result in her abandoning them and me raising kittens?

I forgot to say, if anyone lives locally and wants a kitten, I can tell you where to get it fixed very cheaply and am willing to put $30 towards the spay or neuter of each kitten once you show me a paper saying that it's been fixed. (It's $35 to neuter males and $65 to spay females.)
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Forgive me for saying this but got any spare USPS boxes
Just trying to come up with something that is easily accessible to you, figured that might be worth a shot
You could cut it down to be lower and anything large enough for her to get in comfortably. If she seems nervous in the crate you could even put a box in there for her to deliver in. If you can get her used to sleeping in the crate and/or a box inside the crate that will be safer for the kittens too.
No, cats wont usually abandon their babies.. she WILL keep trying to move them though..if she dosent like the nest spot you have chosen..
but..i think that if she escapes from the crate..she wont go far because her babies will still be in the crate..so she'll want back into the crate...
I dont know.... ugh... i'd be stressing out right now... lol
Wish i was closer..i'd take a baby..
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feed her and give her a place to have her babies like a cardboard box with shredded paper in a garage. She will get the message about where to have her babies. Limit the amount of time you mess with her kittens until they are a week or two old, or she will hide them. good luck and keep us posted.
I wish you were closer, too and yes, I AM freaking out. *sigh* Not quite as impatient as waiting to have my babies, but still so nervous. When I was little we had feral babies, too and I remember the scratches, etc. ;-) I want to give these babes a great start and being born without humans around is not it, IMO.

There are so very many wood piles, though, there's no telling which she'll pick and they aren't ours, either so I can't just go moving them and searching...plus there's big machinery and these wood piles are BIG pieces of wood piles.
She hasn't come back. :-( I think I may cry. I have such a strong feeling that tonight is the night, but I truly have no idea where she goes other than under the wood and there's no telling WHERE under the wood or under which pile, out of the lots and lots of piles. I sure hope I'm wrong and she comes back pregnant in the morning.
ooh no... ugh...

Will she come if she hears you shake a food bag or something...?

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