I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

Nope, I have tried a handful of times. Dangit. I am so irritated with him right now. I know he was trying to help and they normally get encouraged and thanked for helping when not asked, but this is going to end bad, I am afraid. *sigh*

She almost comes calling when I yell "kitty, kitty, kitty" to her. Poor thing waddle runs now, but she comes.
Well, lets just hope that she comes around soon...
GOT HER! Oh my hannah, she is heavy!!! She's now in the cage in the dark barn with a big blanket for a nest and some straw, for now. Will try to get to the store somehow tomorrow and get her some stuff for a litter box. I hope she has them tonight, though, simply b/c it would make things easier than trying to keep her caged forever.

So...IF I can keep her caged until the babies are born, do I just let her out regularly to go potty or wander and then let her back in when I see her around the cage/door of the barn wanting to get back in with them? The cage is probably only 4' long x 3' or so.

I would keep her caged for a while... only because i'd worry about her trying to move the babies... But you can try it and see what she does.. she may not want to move them after they are born.. although.. they DO sometimes like to move them... its an instinct so predators cant find them by smelling the birth mess.....
You wont really be able to tell until after they are born and see how she reacts.. some mothers are mellow..and some arent.

also... you'll want to keep her caged with the babies until they can regulate their own body temps.... or they can get chilled very very quickly...
so yeah... i'd buy a small litter box to put in the crate for now... Good luck!!
She may try to move them when they are a week or so old, which is normal behavior for mama's, I have to watch my Jacks, they have been known to move their litters during the night. You can try letting her out, to potty, shut the cage door and then let her back in, once they are a couple of weeks old you should be able to let her come and go.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. Dangit if I don't feel like an anxious father! Speaking of, we have no clue who the daddy is. Traveling salesman or gypsy, I presume.
Probably one of the barn cat ferals that we see around here every once in a great while.

This is new for me so I appreciate all of the input. I feel like I am flying blind otherwise!

After she has the kittens, should I change the bedding out for fresh bedding?

I hope she's not freaked too much right now. It's completely dark in the barn in the cage. I'd be freaked if I were her. *sigh*
She is probably freaked out right now... i know its hard. But its best for her at this point.

Yes, i'd change the bedding out...mom does a pretty good job of cleaning up..but there still will be some blood and such...
To make her more comfortable with you, give her treats when you check on her. You can put some tuna on a spoon and let her eat it as you pet her with your free hand. This will make her more comfortable when you change the litter with her precious kittens there. Otherwise, she may get very protective and if she can't move the kittens when she feels uncomfortable, she might get mean with you and, if that happens, you will not be able to change the litter.

I don't want to sound alarmist, but if she doesn't have kittens soon and if she will let you, lay her on her back on your lap and tap her belly. If nothing happens, she should be fine, but if her belly seems to ripple like water, then you need to call a vet and have her checked for FIP. Cats with FIP will look pregnant and have mood swings (they are sometimes friendly and sometimes angry), too, so I really think it would be a good idea to check her to make sure. Also, if you do find she has FIP, please notify the neighbors to have their cats checked because it is very contagious among cats. Certain parasites can make a cat look pregnant, too, and most of those can be cured pretty simply. I had one cat with FIP many years ago and last year my spayed female had parasites and I was about ready to let loose on the place that spayed her because I thought she was pregnant.
I would crate her in the barn, your shed sounds to dangerous with the rats, and racoons getting in they will kill kittens, cover the crate but only on 3 sides, If possible set up some kind of blockade to keep the chickens away from her crate, put straw in the crate, food, water, and yes, the dish pan will work fine for a litter box.
Give her canned cat food she will love that, also treats so she feels more comfortable, spend as much time with her as you can to calm her nerves, if this is her first litter she may be a bit scared, so you will want to be there when she has the kittens incase there is a problem so you can help.
I have a drop off pregnant female kitty here that I am trying to corral right now, so far no luck but she is not as far along as your female is.

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