I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

Good luck with your kitty! I have done it twice before and actually just caught the very pregnant female that has been lurking around here for the past month tonight. She is actually doing very good in the house im thinkin maybe she was a house cat before being dumped. Anyway back to your cat she should do just fine with having the babies, be sure and post pics when they are here.
Until you can get some litter, you can used woodchips if you have some for your chickens or shredded paper. That way you have a litter box in there with her. Hope those babies come tonight!
We always used shredded newspaper for any of the cats that would let us help out. The cats preferred it to towels, too, because they could scratch at it and shift it where they wanted it better.

By the way, don't rush to change the litter right away. Give momma the chance to clean the kittens and take care of the afterbirth first.
If she's anything like a goat, sitting nearby for support while she kids, er queens, she may appreciate it & bond with you for it. Umm, take some zyrtec or vit C or something for your cat allergy first?
Good luck!

My best cat, Cita, was a feral longhaired tortie I adopted to save her from the pound when she was about 55 days pregnant & my mom's friend trapped her. She stayed with me through 5 moves, and lived to over 20 (my Vet estimated she was 7 when I got her, and she lived another 16 years with me).
Other than the ferals and my cats, I have only ever seen one other cat around here and it lives at the house across the street. They are the ones that abandoned Ruby to begin with. (His girlfriend moved out and they left Ruby. The other still hangs around that house so someone must be feeding it.) From the feel of her, I'd say she's definitely expecting, though. She is super hard and has gotten incredibly heavy. Will for sure keep an eye on things, though.

I instructed the boys to go in the barn quietly today when they opened the door for the chickens and not bug Ruby. They said she hasn't had the babies and is just laying there calmly so hopefully she will be more peaceful now that she knows she's staying in there. We shall see. Will go give her some wet cat food and some dry cat food later today and see if we have any treats. Still not able to get to town in the weather unless hubby decides to take me later.

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