I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

Start a kitty train!!!
Awe! They are so cute! Congrats!
They grow up so fast too.
I am keeping our cat locked up in the house until we can get her spayed. She hates it and wants to be outside. I think she also secretly loves being inside. lol She is getting used to the dogs, was even laying NEAR one the other night. Plus the chicks. Caught her sleeping in their cage when I took the older bunch outside for a bit.
If only I could have more.
61 days and they will/can come back in heat while nursing the babies before they are weened. So if you take her to a vet now you will pay extra to abort the babies. If you let her have them set appt. now to get her fixed right after she weens them. Try spay today programs you can get cheaper prices. Good luck to you.
She is one lucky mama that you took an interest in her and have been helping her out. Pretty babies!
Oh my gosh!! How cute!!!
I am glad that I live across the country from you because the gray one would definitely have a new home!! Maybe a couple more too. My DH wouldn't be happy though.
He tolerates the one cat we have now (which he sorta got me around Valentines day a few years ago...and, of course, the cat loves him!
). He likes cats....he HATES cat boxes.
I enclose this recipe with full credit to it's inventor. I've used it often with rescue kittens as a transition from bottle feeding; they love it. Ruby might like it also; it will give her a boost for milk production while she is nursing the kits.

Pedialyte: 10-12 ounces
Goat's Milk: 12 ounce can
Knox gelatin: 1 package
Mayonnaise (the real stuff): 2 Tablespoons
Plain, Live Culture Yogurt (not fat-free): 2 Tablespoons
Karo Syrup: 1 teaspoon
Baby Meat (I use Beechnut turkey or veal): 2 jars

Boil the Pedialyte, add gelatin and dissolve. Add other ingredients; stir till well mixed. The mayonnaise will clump and rise to the top, so this will be lumpy.

Debbie says, "This recipe was given to me by my sister-in-law Denise Gross in Kentucky and it has been around for quite awhile. Many breeders are very grateful to the unknown originator of this recipe as it has proven invaluable to us time and time again!! This recipe makes a lot of formula, so I freeze it in pint containers. Then I can defrost in the microwave, use it for 2 or 3 feedings, then throw away the rest. I also found that if a kitten is real lethargic and unwilling to eat, you can mix a little syrup with Pedialyte and give it that to start with. It perks them up, then give the formula. The syrup and electrolytes will give them a boost, but not stay with them long. The yogurt is a real treat for the other cats. They really love it. I think the company is 'Mountain High' or something like that, and they only seem to sell it in the bigger containers. You could freeze it too, but you don't want to freeze it again as glop."

"It only takes a few minutes to cook, but lock the cats up when you start to cook this. Otherwise they will be all over you!!! It is very easy to transfer the kittens to eating on their own with this recipe, as they are used to the taste. I just start adding kitten food to it and showing them how to lap it up. Then decrease the glop a little at a time. It usually takes just about a week to completely wean the kittens, using this glop recipe."
New kitty pics as I was cleaning out the box today. Mama is still doing great and seems to purr constantly when we go out there.

They are getting cuter and cuter!
I think the long haired Siamese across the street may be daddy, judging by the white ones. They are getting grayish ears, etc. now. So sweet! The cat across the street is gorgeous (as in, I've been tempted to go and cat-nap it!

So, the white babies...no names, yet b/c I cannot tell them apart.

The striped baby that I think is gonna look like mama is tentatively "Tiger" until it is rehomed. (This one has a tentative adoptive interest once weaned.)

Gray striped with white is "Whiney" at the moment b/c s/he whined the most when I was trying to get them in a cleaner box and took these pics quickly.

Solid black is Jaguar, Jag for short. Probably staying simply b/c black animals are harder to find homes for.
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