I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are named such simply because I cannot tell them apart. I am secretly hoping they are a boy and a girl so that I can name them Frank and Ginger. Their granddaddy (I believe) was Fred (aka Fred Estaire) so it seems only fitting to have a Frank Sinatra and a Ginger Rogers. ;-)
Just for future reference gestation is the same for cats as it is dogs, 60-63 days. Goats milk works great for mother and kittens if needed or for weaning. Just dilute 1/2 and 1/2. Remember never feed a kitten cows milk. It will cause diaherra.
Thanks for all the info. So try not to touch the baby kittens till they are a week old then you can touch them? So they are not feral. Asher, any other info you think I might need to know? I did put hay in an outside igloo and she did eat her food there this morning. I put some treats in there this afternoon and when we came home tonight they were gone. We worked outside in our goat pens and the yard today and she sleep most of the day in a bucket in our garage. I guess I should set up a litter box in the garage to be safe. She was rubbing up my legs this afternoon after I collected my eggs.
I can feel more of her nipples this afternoon, but she is not as big as what your picture was of your cat. So I am guessing maybe the begining of April, but she might surprise me.
Growing up twice the mother cats had chosen MY room to have their kitten in. So we handled them from birth. Momma cat put them in my room so they stayed there. I understand the worry about the mom not accepting them back. But we didn't know any better back then.
If I was closer I would take the black one....Ilove black cats... like you said its harder to find homes for them. Last cat I had found me....well he was a tiny tiny lil thing that jumped into my moms friends car when she was coming to see us and when I saw him I fell in love with him. My dog (black lab mix with flat coated retre.) never seeing a cat before took him in and they slept together and she cared for him. Cat was black but in the sun you could see stripes. HE was a very lovable cat and a really good mouser.

All the kittys are really cute though.
I am glad that other people get cats dumped on them too that are pregnant. We had 2 appear here in late January, one was looking like she was pregnant, the other was not. Both are female. We spotted them sleeping in the coop with the chickens but they would run away when we got too close. After a few weeks of leaving food on the pile of wood by the utility room they started at least coming toward us, no away from us. One day I was doing wash and the door was open and in came both cats like they had always done that. They walked around, rubbed on my legs and were purring up a storm. We started letting them in at night to the utility room/storage room area. They started coming to the door at dark crying to be let in. We could let them in the house and tell them to go to their room and down they would go. Smart kittys. When I started petting them and carrying them around it was evident that they both are pregnant. We now have 6 beautiful little kittens (3/13/10) from the calico one and the other hasn't had hers yet. Talk about needing to find homes.

We have a calico, a grey calico, dark tiger, black with white feet, black with white markings, yellow tiger.


Don't think she was a feral, definately dumped!!!

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