I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

EEKKK!! Send one of those white ones to me!!
Siamese are so stinking cute!

You are right! I hadn't noticed that! Could that help you tell them apart, asher? You could also look at the paws. They may be differently pigmented.
The 2nd one actually has a smutty nose, it's just not as evident or dark in the pic. I'll compare them next time I go out to snuggle them, though and see. That would be awesome if I had any way to tell them apart! I was thinking they might be twins.
Oh my goodness they are so cute!!! We adopted a Siamese mix kitten last summer... My parent's neighbor had an unspayed cat which of course ended up preggo. Sadly I think the mama cat & the other kittens ended up in the shelter when the man moved

Our cat, Loki, started off pure white with points... as he got older he developed faint stripes all over his body. He's now a cream color with some of the most beautiful markings I've ever seen on a cat. Tabbys & Siamese are my favs, and he's a perfect combo of both!

It's such a wonderful thing you're doing for Ruby and her kittens! I can't wait to see more photos as they grow.
I took a few pics today, but they are all over the place so hard to get pics. They are eating real food like crazy now and are little love sponges. I need to figure out the genders so that I can figure out how much it's going to cost me to get them fixed.
I have potential homes for a lot of them right now, but I figure I will count on getting them fixed, just in case. I need to call the humane alliance and see how old they need to be before I can get them and mama fixed. I'm afraid to even let her out of the barn lest she gets pregnant again.
Word of advice! Keep her contained, she can and will get pregnant again while nursing babies, cats in heat are great escape artists.
Kittens are so cute at that age, so full of energy!

Just in case you don't know what to look for to tell boy from girl. Girls have an upside down Exclamation ! mark the dot would be at the top, and Boys have a : semicolon. hope that helps!
Wonderful! Thank you! Last time I looked (or tried), they all pee'd on me and all looked alike, too, I thought!
Oh No Yeck!

Hey, Maybe they are all the same either Male or Female!

Well good luck I hope you are able to check with out being peed on again!
Do you have any recent pictures of the babies?
I love Jag – he's (or she's) so cute! We had a black boy kitten once who was one of the absolute sweetest kittens we've ever had. He would fall asleep in my lap and I could carry him around in my pocket when he was little. Oh, I loved him so much. One of my friends now has him (and his sister).

Do you think Thing 1 and Thing 2 are points? I think one of our cats just had another point. Here's pictures of him:


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