I need pregnant cat help please. (New pics/update page 12)

the kittens are cute the male kittens should have little balls showing now just lift up the tail and see n if it is smooth it is a female n
kitten can get pregnant at the age of 5 months. Google low cost spray n neutral in your area. keep the mother in the cage until u can get her spray call a rescue to help u?
Updated pics. They decided they had to come outside and play today. They are all little love sponges, but Tiger, especially, is very loving like it's mama and wants to be with someone at all times. I'm getting a wee bit attached which is hard because I think I have three people right now that want him. We have our first potential new owner coming today to check them out, but they are not leaving here for at least another 2-4 weeks.

Also, I have them all on Teramycin eye ointment right now b/c they had eye gunk going on. The Siamese look the absolute worst and so puny and...poor things. They are really cute when they don't have that stuff on their faces.







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Last call for kittens! We only have one that has a definite new home. We have four left. Not all have to go, but some are welcome to. ;-) We have two siamese looking, one solid black and one gray with white. All appear that they will be long haired. They will be six weeks old this coming Saturday and can go any time after that. If you want to wait until 8 weeks, I don't mind, as long as I know that they have a definite home to go to. They have been outdoor (in the barn), but are litter trained and are on soft and hard cat food.
Tiger, Smudge and Asher are tentatively spoken for. I will either be putting the remaining ones on craigslist or keeping them, depending on how many I truly end up left with.

The kittens will be 8 weeks old Saturday and it's time for me to decide what to do with everything. We're all a bit overwhelmed, especially trying to keep them and mama contained in the barn. Oy. They all (especially mama and Tiger) want to get out and explore.
So far we have rehomed the gray with white boots and the tiger striped. We have the two Siamese and the black one left. My cousin is coming to get two as soon as they are done with their meds. They all ended up getting a secondary upper respiratory infection and had to be on abx. ANYWAY, she thinks she will likely take the black and one siamese so we will keep the last one.

They are all beautiful little love bugs, some more mischievous than others, some more cuddly than others. Although I never would have chosen to breed her and still feel bad that it happened, it did end as best as I could have hoped. As soon as the other babies are gone, I will be making an appointment for her to be fixed. I am sure she will glad to no longer be contained in the barn, too. Poor thing! I have not wanted to risk her getting pregnant again and she's not allowed to be spay until she's done nursing the babies so it was necessity.

Thanks again for riding with us on this crazy messy ride!

Without further ado, kitteh pictures! :)


Smudge hiding behind my sons boat...er...shoe...

Who's chasing who?

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