I need rabbit peoples help asap!

Some good suggestions so far. I second the oatmeal. Use quaker oats if you have some. I would try some raw spinach. The timothy hay should be fine for it. They also seem to like applesauce. Like everyone said, its difficult to rescue a tame baby much less a wild one. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't survive. Put out some rabbit pellets if you have them. My babies would begin nibbling as soon as they could get out of the box. They did that pretty early. Good luck!
Okay do day two is almost over and he is doing great.
So far still not much into greens but is taking milk like a pro and still not all that into the applesauce. But he is much more active and has only coughed 5 times total all day.
And yes smoke inhalation is never a good thing the only plus for this case is it was a new garage just wood, paint and nails they had never even had a truck in it yet.
Thanks for all of the help and keep posting more tips. Thanks again ~

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