I Need Some Advice Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 31, 2010
Unfortunately I have lost 2 of my 3 large breed ducks
that all were housed together. We lost our duck last week and her mate seems very lonely and lost since she has passed. My question
is is he fine waiting months until I can raise a new mate for him or should I get him an adult now to start introducing him to.

Thanks for any advice you could give.
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Do you know what caused the death of the other 2? I only ask b/c you wouldn't want to bring in a new duck if there's a chance of illness that caused the loss of the other 2. Do you have other ducks (or chickens or "other" bird) that he could hang with until you raise new ones?
Get a same age friend AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

When my Ham was left behind after Daisy was killed, she went downhill rapidly - losing weight and being lethargic, but I got her a new mate as soon as i could and she perked up within a week or two - good luck!
predators and the cold are how we lost the other 2. ok now my next question is do older ducks have a hard time getting use to kids. I have boys that well I like to say torture my animals with love.
Never hurt them but I think they sometimes get more love than they want. I know the calls we got after they were a little older are not as friendly as the ones I raised since they were a week old.

I do have calls and chickens but they do not hang around together. well he sits out side the calls cage but I have never let them be together I was afraid he would hurt her if he tried to mate with her, and I was afraid the drakes would fight. Learning as I go with the ducks. We raise rabbits my one son wanted to do a chicken project for 4H and the guy gave my other 2 boys ducks and it snowballed from there.
My new duck who is 7 months settled in well. I think you should just be careful with the kids and let them know how to stroke nicely and supervise them when they are near them - I'd recommend keeping the kids away from touching them for atleast 2-3 weeks so the new duck has time to settle in and get to know your other duck

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