I need some advice.


9 Years
Mar 17, 2010
The past three years I have purchased ducks and raised them to be healthy for one year and then they will be killed by wild animals. I have tried all types of enclosures, but nothing seems to work. Any advice on an enclosure. Also another concern is that it may not be a good idea to get ducks since they have been killed three times in a row. What should I do?
I've got a 7 foot tall perimeter fence with a wire apron on the ground and the wire apron is covered with heavy rocks. That's for day time, as long as the hawks leave the birds alone. So far (touch wood) it has kept all dogs and coyotes out.

Then the ducks have welded steel dog runs topped with stable panels. Wire floor that extends as an apron on the ground to prevent digging. That has a tarp over it to keep the run dry. That's for night time, to protect from owls and raccoons.

Then they have a fully enclosed coop with a solid floor and welded rabbit wire over the windows so nothing can get in.

What housing are you using and who is killing your birds?

And yes, I agree that it is not a good idea to get more birds if you can't keep them safe. Or you could upgrade your security so that they are safe.
Do you have any idea what got them? Was it at night, during the day? More info would help, but I'm sure we can help you come up with housing to keep them safe.
Odd that you've lost so many. I'd say put some dog igloos or something they can get under inside of their day time pen to run from hawks. Also check the type of wire you're using. Chicken and rabbit wire is great for keeping in chickens a rabbits... not so much keeping out foxes. Foxes are crafty and they will find any hole or crany that isn't secured properly. Rats are another possibility, the large ones can and will kill ducks, and they can fit into anything they can get their head through, so dog runs are a peice of cake even for the biggies to get in. Put out traps, maybe get some cats if rats are your issue. NO poison for the rats. The way it gets through their system is water, and so they run to a water source and polute it. Which will poison your ducks. Lastly I'd say get some flock dogs if you're REALLY serious about keeping these babies safe. If you're not experianced with training dogs, don't just go out and get a random dog. Pay for one bred and trained to protect birds. I honestly think the only reason I've never have a predator problem is the fact we are surrounded by dogs. A pack of six live at our house and the smell alone is enough to make most animals go 'Whoooaaa this isn't a good place for me'. Three of the dogs are outside, three inside, and the ones outside will protect the property from predators at all costs. Dogs are always my number one go to XD because they ALWAYS work for me. You may not want all that trouble. Unfortunatly without further explaination and pictures of the facilities, there isn't any more I can tell you. sorry you're loosing your babies
Hardware cloth!!!!! I have a six foot tall kennel and there is no way I would leave my chickens and ducks out there even during the day without the addition of 3 foot tall hardware cloth 1/2 x 1/2 inch on all the walls of the kennel. This keeps raccoons or whoever from pulling a chicken or duck through the fence and decapitating it. I also put it on top of the kennel to keep flying predators out! My run that's attached to the coop is also surrounded with hardware cloth and it covers every window also. If you add all this hardware cloth and still have a problem, get electrical wire kits to shock those darn predators!
Are the racoons getting into your coop, or your run? If they were just getting into your run then you could train your ducks to go in their coop at night since racoons are nocternal. They sell automatic doors that you can put on your coop that close when it gets dark so the coons wouldn't be able to get to your duckies. You could also try live-trapping the racoons, it won't totaly get rid of all of them, but it does help.

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